Chapter 14 Finale

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a few months later

I woke up between white sheets, the morning sun beaming through the blinds. I turn around and face Ty's bareback sleeping peacefully next to me. I kiss his back as a way to lovingly wake him up. My kiss causing him to face me, his eyes are still closed and he sleepily mumbles a good morning. god, he's adorable, smiling even when he is asleep. I rest my head on his chest and as it goes up and down, I  begin to drift into delicious sleep. I wake up mere minutes later to realize Tony was hugging me.

huh?-I softly ask

shush, he reassures

I smile and go back to sleep

"if two people are meant to be together, eventually they will find their way back to each other"

this break lasted 6 months, we forgave each other, we grew together, we loved together. He proposed right after we made up. At first, it was awkward between Ondreaz and me but like the good buds we were we pushed it aside and forgot about it. Our love grew more with each day. Tony truly had my heart and he had mine. I was finally at my soulmate's side and it was simply him and I.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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