Chapter 10- Unfrogettable

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Chapter 10- Unfrogettable

Naturally, nobody in Radiator Springs felt like doing much with one of their own in a coma. That was the way Radiator Springs had been for most of the past month and a half. It was unnaturally quiet, especially without Sarge and Fillmore going through their daily morning routine. It seemed a little dirtier too since none of them, especially Luigi and Guido, had kept up with the town's maintenance much. Sarge hadn't even been mowing his lawn all that much. The only thing they cleaned up was the newspapers with Fudge's face all over them.

The only other tasks they had the energy to do were tasks that they knew Fudge would consider important or they considered important, given the circumstances. They would collect Luigi and Guido's mail for them (the two Italians would always toss aside the bills and countless Ferrari magazines they'd subscribed to and just take the get well soon and sympathy cards). Flo would make meals for everyone, insisting they all still needed something to eat, even though even she didn't have much of an appetite.

One task that they all knew that Fudge would consider important was checking up on Hoppy, her pet frog, who lived down by the waterfall. Lightning was often the one who did that. He figured it was the least he could do for his little sister. He couldn't abandon her pet when she was in the hospital because of him.

Yet another day passed. Most of the townsfolk had accompanied Luigi and Guido to the hospital, sans Lightning. He had opted to stay behind to look after Hoppy and wallow in self-pity.

The residents of Radiator Springs rarely said anything to each other in the endless waiting at the hospital. Often, they would stare at the TV, without really paying any attention to it. Mater had become addicted to the vending machine. The tow truck loved the snacks, so he would often go to get himself as many snacks as possible as well as any requests the others had. It seemed, to the tow truck, to be the upside to the long hours spent at the hospital, worrying about Fudge and staring at the rain outside (the weather had been miserable for the entire time Fudge had been in a coma).

That's where he was when some familiar faces wandered into the hospital lobby.

Sarge was the first one to notice them. "Mr. Topolino!" he exclaimed as the burgundy 1937 Fiat entered. He was followed by his wife, Mama Topolino; a red Fiat (Luigi's mother, Gloria); a yellow Fiat that resembled Luigi (his brother, Mario) and three smaller Fiats: one midnight blue, one pale pink and one mint green (Fudge's cousins, Luna, Annabella and Gemma, respectively). The Jeep had been about to ask them what they were doing there, but he figured that was obvious. So, he changed his mind and informed them, "We didn't know you were coming."

Gloria spoke in Italian, not knowing much English and Uncle Topolino translated. (While they had all learned some Italian from Luigi and Guido, Fudge was the only one who had become truly fluent. It came from both living with them and being exposed to the language from a much younger age.)

"You were not supposed to know", Uncle Topolino interpreted. "Gloria was worried that you would tell her not to come." Luigi's mother did have a slight engine condition.

"Well, there's not much you can really do here", Sally informed them ruefully. "Fudge is still in a coma."

Gloria spoke again in Italian.

"We all know there is nothing we can do for Fudge", Uncle Topolino interpreted, "but we can be here for Luigi and Guido."

Everyone else nodded, murmuring that they understood.

"(Where is she?)" Gloria wanted to know.

Sally understood what she said and answered with, "(Room 617)", before translating into Italian. "But you'll need to talk to reception first."

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