Woftstar: Mating Call III (Fluff/Humor)

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Sirius is the first one to make it to the hospital wing the morning after the full moon. James and Peter are not far behind him either.

And when they do get there he's up and eating breakfast, looking healthier than he ever has the morning after.

"So," James starts as they approach the eating couple. "I was promised a very logical explanation."

Sirius rolls his eyes, "Remus came of age, let's leave it at this, the inner wolf made Remus a bit sex crazed, in the presence of his mate."

Peter sighs in relief, "So I'll be able to come back to the dorm now?"

And just like that they're all laughing and it seems as if everything has gone back to normal.
It's late at night, two days later and the couple have abandoned their homework in favorite of cuddling in an armchair. They were experiencing a very comfortable silence when Remus let's out the most random question, "hey Padfoot, do you miss sex crazed me?"

Sirius giggles a little before answering with a simple and honest, "no."

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes, really," Sirius answers. "Remus, I love sex, but I love you so much more. And I don't need to have crazy hot sex with you everyday to validate the way I feel about you. It's not going to no matter what our sex life is like, which from an inside perspective, I'd say is pretty healthy anyways. Besides it's nice to cuddle every once in a while without prior knowledge that cuddling will of course lead to something else."

"Hey you didn't seem to be complaining a week ago," Remus interjects.

"And trust me I wasn't. But my point being is, crazy hot sex or cuddles, I just like being with you."

"I love you too, dork," Remus answers glad Sirius couldn't see the blush he still managed to bring to his face.

Sirius' hums when Remus starts to play with his hair.

"So," Remus questions. "If I told you I wanted to have crazy hot sex right now?"

"I'd say let's hope you can keep up now that your sex drive is back to normal." Sirius responds with a grin.

Remus laughs, "cheeky, considering in a few minutes you'll be unable to say anything."

So yeah here it is, the final part. Hope you guys enjoyed.

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