Chapter 2 - loses on either side

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1 year later.

The war between the rebellion and the warlord rages on.

Both sides have been stockpiling weaponry, medical supplies, building materials and are training more and more people to fight knowing that to win, they both need to increase their soldier count and figure out a plan on how they will finish off the other. Jacob spent months thinking of many different ideas of battling the warlord figuring out he is the same species as his Armada meaning he will have a weakness to fire which could be exploited and used to trap or kill him, the warlord has done nothing to do with coming up with a plan believing that no matter how strong the rebels get none of them will stand up to him. A month or two before Jacob realized that he will always be in the front of the fight and could use someone to take his place as leader, he promoted his friend Brock to second-in-command as he has been there with him since the start and never left his side no matter what.

Jacob and Brock discuss different plans and cannot decide how they are going to defeat the warlord and just save it for another time believing that they must go ahead and turn the old military outposts into lookout towers to make sure the Armada are not spying on them, Jacob sets up a small group of at least 5 construction workers and along with Brock head over to the  nearest outpost and begin constructing the layout of the lookout ready for the quadrant to take up shelter and protect them from any hostiles. It takes a few days but the first lookout tower is built and ready for quadrant Alpha to set up their posts, Jacob radios over to them and wait as they arrive driving APC's given the go ahead once known as targets lethal options allowed.

Jacob, the construction workers and Brock jump on the APC's and leave back to base leaving microscopic cameras to watch over and make sure they are okay, They arrive at the base and get the construction workers to continue work on a new portion for recreation as most people just sit in the cafe and talk. Jacob and Brock help the workers until Brock goes to look over the lookout tower and finds no one there and shouts his boss to look, confused Jacob, Brock and 3 other soldiers grab their weapons and race down to quadrant Alpha and find the remains of them outside of the camera range.

Jacob and Brock race back to the base and begin to open a radio transmission to contact the warlord and declare once again, "I THOUGHT WE HAD A DEAL YOU ALIEN BASTARD!" Jacob grabs a drink and begins to breathe allowing the warlord to figure out what he is going to say. "Like I said Jacob we would see who made the next move and it seems I did killing off those fucking brain-dead ass wipes was child's play so I wonder how your little child ass will handle the fucking power I can use you twat." the transmission is ended as everyone realizes that everything going on is really changing Jacob's personality and maybe he will snap and go head on into battle with them all. Brock pulls him away from his seat and calms him down and they laugh about what Jacob said to the warlord and then figure out how to take care of the warlord by playing the same trick he played on Jacob but with something else.

a week later.

Sewers under the city. 

BOOM! A hole is made into the floor of the city hall and Jacob followed by Brock and their soldiers begin grabbing as much stuff as they can hoping to piss off the warlord by stealing all of the warlords collectibles he stole from the world and take them back and make him come out of his imaginary castle and come to fuck with Jacob. Jacob and the others quickly cover their tracks but still decide to leave a letter stating 'you fuck then will fuck with and will fuck you wanker.' The screams of the warlord can be heard all across the sewers.

At the base Jacob and the others store the supplies in the garage and head over to the television and watch the warlord lose his fucking mind and declare vengeance on the rebellion and especially Jacob, everyone is laughing but then Jacob realizes that his ambition to come and kill them all may just work if he searches everywhere around the city. Jacob gets all the builders to begin construction on a tunnel leading far from the city so they have an escape if the Armada come dropping in anytime. Everyone begin to understand that the passion for revenge that the warlord has will probably lead him to finding them.

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