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Dear Dairy, 

In this world there is a thin line between being good and bad. But then there is also a duality between being bad and being evil. I never thought of myself as a person.. I never thought that I could be good, bad, or evil. Father told me otherwise. 'Choose your own path, Chase. Don't be scared of the dark, but don't welcome it either.' I never understood him when he said that. What was he trying to tell me? 'Don't fear the dark, but don't welcome it'. I don't think I'll ever understand him. 'Within time, you'll know. When it's right for you, you'll know.' Is the last thing he told me before I was forced into hiding, that and the spell to erase peoples memories of me. I never thought I'd use the spell, that was until I needed things like new spells, a note book, etc. I learned that the people who saw me, all died..

A Boy who no one can rememberWhere stories live. Discover now