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"He'll show, Alpha Alec." Elizabeth tells Alec, hoping that Chase won't come, she sees Chase, "There he is...!" Alec thinks anxiously, he hides the flowers, "Mister Saint and.. Miss Pryor. What did you need? Is it studies?" Chase asks directing the question to Elizabeth, finding it impossible to look at Alec's hope filled face, "Chase... erm..." Alec stumbles on his words, "Another proclamation of infatuation...? But why is my heart pounding...? Why...? What's different...?" Chase thinks, Alec takes his hands, "Please... I don't care how many time I have to ask... will you be my boyfriend...?" The words alone make Alec blush slightly, "What's wrong with me..?! Why can't I just reject him and get this over with..? Why am I hesitating...?" Chase thinks, he looks away, unable to form any words. 
"Please...?" Elizabeth glares at Chase, telling him to say no, "I-I'll... I'll think about it..." Alec's eyes fill with joy, pleased to receive another answer other than no. 

Chase walks next to Alec, "You'll be an amazing co-alpha!" Chase blushes as Alec takes his hand, "Ever since yesterday... my heart pounds when I'm near him... did he do something..? A spell or something..? No, no... it can't be. He's a werewolf.... but why..?"  Chase thinks, Alec smiles, "You okay, Kitten?" Chase looks down, hiding his face, "I-I'm fine, just thinking..." Alec stops, pulling Chase close to his chest, "Don't worry about it, okay? The pack will love you.. just like I do." Chase smiles slightly, "Right.."
     Chase stands next to Alec, his heart in his throat, "Mom, Dad, this is my mate; Chase-"
"Ásbjörn...!" Chase jumps slightly as Alec's father hugs him, "Wow, you're named after your father, right?" 
"Y-Yes, sir. I'm Chase Ásbjörn the second." Chase lies, having forgotten about Alec's dad, "You look just like him, how's he doing?"
"G-Good, sir." Alec smiles, confused of how his father knows Chase, "How does he remember me...? Was it because we were friends...?" Alec thinks, "Your mother? How is she?" Chase swallows hard, "Um, she's not doing too well. She's actually sick... my dad is taking care of her, but... the way things look now... she doesn't have long."
This wasn't a lie, technically. It was his first life, when he lost his parents. He's creators. His 'mother' was very ill and they had created Chase at the time, but they had a real son. Chase was a substitute, which he knew. He was created so that his 'mother' can be near her child, Chase of course knew she was going to die, she had a congestive heart issue. She was coughing up blood everyday. 
"Oh... I'm sorry.." Alec holds Chase in his arms "It's fine. It's not your fault..." Chase says, "I just zoned out.. why? I never do that..." Chase thinks, "This is Chase, my mate." 
"Right, I'm Alex Saint, Alec's father." Chase smiles timidly, "Alex! Mason and his pack are coming over. Something about regarding Alec- Oh, you're home!" A red haired woman smiles, her eyes land on Chase, who stands awkwardly in Alecs' arms. 
"And who's this little witch boy?" Alec and Alex share confused glances, "Oh, great... I'm being exposed..." Chase thinks.
"So, you're a witch...?" Chase nods, "But you can't use magic...?" Chase nods again to Alec's question, "Hm, odd... you seem pretty powerful... too powerful for not being able to use magic." Zinna, Alec's mother, points out, "Yes, my magic was sealed by my father." Chase lies, something he's used to, but feels bad, "Sealed? Sealed why?" Alec questions, Chase looks down. Alex puts a hand on Chases shoulder, "Don't worry about it. Your father was very secretive too. Come on, lets go eat." 
========== Time skip =====

Chase waves bye to Alec as he walks into his house, "Hey, Dad..." Chase greets a man with black hair, his voice low as he enter the house, "Hey, Brat."

A Boy who no one can rememberWhere stories live. Discover now