Danvid - The confession

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It was a calm summers night. All the campers had been sent to their tents for the night. Everything was finally peaceful around camp. You could hear the gentle sounds of crickets and the soft songs from owls. The late night summers breeze was warm and gentle, carrying the soft sounds of the animals around the camp.

Daniel had been at camp for about 3 weeks now. He had been amazing from the start. Passing any expectations that David or Gwen had. He was a perfect fit for Camp Campbell!! David had other thoughts about Daniel, thoughts other than him being a great co worker and counselor. David couldn't help admire his blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. The way they glimmered in the moonlight was something magical. Something about Daniel was just so... Mysterious and magical to David. As far as David knew.. he liked Daniel.

David's session of chilling out in his room after work was suddenly interrupted by a soft knocking at the cabin door. "Come in" spoke David in his normal cheery voice. The tall pale man walked gracefully into the room, only to find that David's face had turned a light shade of pink.
"Hello David! I wondered if you wanted to go for a late night stroll in the woods around camp? It's quite a nice night for it, don't you think David?" This was an offer David couldn't refuse. "S..sure thing Daniel!!" He said cheerfully. Going into the woods at night with Daniel.. aww how romanti- ugh. As much as he liked Daniel, he needed to stop having these thoughts about him. He was his co worker and nothing else. Anyways Daniel was definitely too hot to not have a girlfriend, right? 

The two men walked through the woods peacefully. They didn't say much for the first ,5 minutes until David decided to break the silence. "So Daniel, I don't actually know much about you, wanna play a truths game"
"Sure thing David, who's starting?"
"I'll go. Hmm I'll make this easy, what's your faveroute colour?"
"That's too easy Davey, purple!"
Gosh David loved it when Daniel called him Davey but he had to concentrate on not acting gay for like 30 mins or however long this was going to take. A lot of questions later and relationship questions started to come up. "So David, are you seeing anyone at the moment?"
"No..no I'm not"
"Aww that's too bad. You seem like such a nice guy.. hmm... How about any crushes??"
David turned extremely red extremely quickly.
"What?? No!! Aha.. how old do you think I am?? 12?? Haha..."
"Are you sure about that Davey?"
"Hmm ok then"
"....are you seeing anyone Daniel??"
"No I'm.not either, tho I do have my eyes on someone.."
David's heart sunk. Well now there was no way he would ever like him back. He felt like everything just came crashing down all at once, but he tried to pretend that he didn't care.
"Wow Davey, don't look so down about it"
"I'm not!! I'm.. fine..."
"I never said it wasn't you...~"

David instantly felt his face heat up again.
"Aww don't be so adorable Davey, well, that's the reason I love you so much, I mean look at you. You're so cute and optimistic, cheerful and happy."
"Oh uhmmm... Well..... I uh..."
"Go on Davey, spit it out" Daniel says with a chuckle
"Well I uhmm... I like you too!!" At this point David was extremely red and flustered but little did he know he was going to get even more flusted

Daniel reached out to David and out his hands around his waist, instantly going in to kiss David. This shocked David because of how sudden it happened but after he broke out of shock, he happily returned the kiss. He had never been so happy in his life. This went on for a few minutes, both kissing and hugging eachother, sometimes even tongue getting involved in the kiss, but it was never agressive, it was just always soft and cute. They finally gathered themselves to walk back to camp, hand in hand, now boyfriends, in secret.

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