Mini Dadvid - Birthday

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It was a big day for Max at camp. It was his birthday. He was finally turning 11. He had only told a few people at camp but didn't expect them to remember, so he had planned to see how long it would take for someone to realise it was his birthday... See if anyone really cared.

Breakfast: nobody brought it up. Everything went as usual. Food fights, shouting, space kid doing space kid things.
First activity: Not a single comment. Everyone even seemed to be distant from him today... More than usual..
Second activity: the same again..... He was sick of this now... He knew nobody cared... Maybe if he waited slightly longer....

It got to the second lesson after lunch where nobody had said anything. Everyone was ignoring him and staying away from him. He felt invisible. It was announced at dinner that there would be an activity after dinner. Ugh great. More bullshit to add to this bullshit day. Before the activity, max sat in his tent for a while, alone. He layed in his bed for a while before he started to cry. Nobody cares about him and nobody ever would. This was even worse than a birthday at home. He walked slowly into the mess hall.. he stopped once he got in there.. not able to move.

"Happy birthday Max!" Shouted a group of people. They had been planning a surprise party all along. This made Max happy and I can't write stories anymore. The end

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