Danvid - Wood Scouts leader au (1)

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The weather was horrible. The rain was pouring down, worse than it had ever been at the camp since the start of summer. The wind was howling and the cabins seemed to almost shake in the wind. All the campers had been let inside the mess hall.for the day, since there seemed to be no chance of getting outside for any camp activities. It was a shame. Today was going to be the day of the big competition between Camp Campbell, the Wood Scouts and the Flower Scouts. The day had been planned perfectly and everything was set up outside and now all the Flower Scouts and Wood Scouts were cramped into the small mess hall with the Camp Campbell Campers. Even the leaders were there. Miss Pris, leader of the Flower Scouts squad that had come to the competition, and Daniel, the new leader of the Wood Scouts.

Daniel had only been working as the leader of the Wood Scouts for about 3 weeks after the last one quit under 'mysterious circumstances' and he was doing a great job! Even though him and David had only spoken a few times, David already loved him! Great personality, great leadership, he was going to be such a good fit for the wood scouts, David just could tell!! Something was different about Daniel though. He was so charming; the way that he spoke captivated David and made him feel warm inside. Every time he would get close to David or look him in the eyes, David would feel his face heat up and his brain go to mush. David had never felt like this before. His beautiful sapphire blue eyes that seemed to glisten when he spoke, his light blonde hair that looked so fluffy, David would do anything just to run his hands through it. He always looked so smart in his uniform. No creases, no stains, nothing out of place. These small things made David want him even more.

David finally built up his confidence and walked up to the counselor.
"H...Hey Daniel.." David stuttered, already feeling himself blushing. "Hi David, anything wrong?"
"No no nothings wrong, I just wondered how you were settling into your job as leader of the wood scouts?"
"Ah.." replied Daniel "it's ok but it gets tiring sometimes.. sometimes I just feel like I need to relax but I don't know where to go"
"You could always come round here!" David cheerfully replied. Crap, what was he thinking?!! Allowing Daniel to walk on camp grounds whenever he wanted?!? What was wrong with him?!?.
"Hmm maybe I'll consider it.... You should show me around David, the indoors part that is.. how about the counselor cabin??"
Now Daniel wants him ALONE?? David's mind was going wild, gay and dirty in a matter of seconds. "Sure" said David to try ignore these thoughts.

The two of them ran out of the mess hall towards the counselor cabin after David made up a stupid lie about how he forgot something there. After a small tour around the building and around the forest via maps that were inside the cabin, the two men decided to sit in David's room to relax and get away from the chaos of the mess hall. They chilled out for a while asking eachother questions about their jobs and lifes before Daniel realised David was acting slightly.. off "Are you ok David?? You're really warm and your face is red" Daniel went to put his hand against David's head just making him even.more embarrassed. "I'm..I'm fine haha.." David replied nervously.
"Are you sure David?? You look like you want something~" Crap, thought David. This is just gonna make me even more embarrassed. "No no I'm fine hahahaha" Daniel leaned towards David, and David didn't back away, making Daniel laugh. "Awww that's cute, you want this don't you??~ after watching David's face somehow become an even more deeper shade of red. Daniel finally decided to stop.teasing David and he kissed him. The kiss lasted a while. Both kissing back, both getting pretty passionate about it. They had both been away from any relationship for a while and it was clearly showing. They both wanted someone badly, and that person was eachother. They kissed for minutes, only breaking apart when they needed air, hugging eachother at the same time and grabbing eachothers waists. They didn't want the kiss to end, until Gwen walked in.
"DAVID, DANIEL, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, MAX HAS TIED SPACE KID GO THE CEILING FAN AND--" She immediately became quiet when she saw the two men mid kiss- bright red and extremely embarrassed. She left quickly but not before getting a pic and headed for the mess hall, with David chasing her, an embarrassed mess.

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