Danvid - Halloween party

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David had been planning a Halloween party for weeks for the campers at camp Campbell and the neighbouring camps. David loved it when all the camp's got together and it wasn't to do with competitions about who wins the camp or who's the better camp. It was nice when it was a fun social gathering. And max actually seemed excited about it!! David's faveroute part of planning this Halloween party was seeing how excited max was getting about the costumes.it make him feel happy knowing he had made Max this happy. Max had, eventually chosen a zombie costume.

After a long wait, it was finally the day of the party. Little did David know, max had done some planning of his own too. He had invited Daniel to the party. Daniel had been a camp counselor for a while now but insisted he didn't go and said he had "other" things to do. He probably just wanted to skip the lame party and being stuck around lots of 10 year olds for ages. Max knew about how nervous David got around Daniel. His face always grew red around him and he always looked less confident around him. Like he was anxious. He had no idea if he would actually show up but it was worth a try. Why was he even doing something like this for David anyway?? Well... He couldn't help admit that David had helped him a lot this summer and he had to at least help him back slightly.

"Ok folks, the party has officially started" David cheered. There was only the Campbell Campers there so far and a few things had not been set up yet but all the kids were in their costumes so they decided to start the lame music. Shit. No sign of Daniel. Thought max. About an hour later there was still no sign. It was getting dark out and all the campers were there from all camps.tabii was annoying Neil as usual and pikeman was trying to get people to join the wood scouts. David and Gwen were talking, Gwen looked pretty bored while David was freaking out hoping that everyone was enjoying the party. Half an hour later there was a knock on the door and David went to open it. There he was. He was dressed in a vampire costume, nothing too fancy but it looked like he tried. David started heating up. "Daniel?? I didn't think you were coming??"
"I decided, why not?? I've got nothing better to do anyway" he smirked slightly when he spoke, making David blush even harder. "Well... Come on in Daniel!! I hope you have f..fun!!"

Max walked to where Gwen was. His plan was working!! "Hey shithead" came a call. It was from Gwen "why's Daniel here?? I thought he wasn't coming??"
"I have NO idea why you're asking ME Gwen" said max sarcastically. "What did you do you little shit??"
"Well it was nothing bad.. I only invited Daniel because I mean, look at David around him. He gets so heated up don't you think?? And I know how much you loooveeee match making"
"OMG REALLY??" Gwen replied, already with plans in her head
"Totally, now all we need to do is think of a way to get them together"
"How's a dance off?"
"Well as long as it doesn't go as bad as the last one, sure"
"Dance off it is!!"

Gwen hurriedly announced the dance off and everyone found partners... But David and Daniel just stood there watching others. "Hey David" said Gwen "Why aren't you going out?"
"Don't be silly Gwen, this party was for the campers, besides, I wouldn't have anyone to dance with.. haha.."
"Shit" thought Gwen.
"It's not gonna be that easy. We gotta get em both near the dance floor together, leave the rest to me" said Max.

David and Daniel were talking about camp stuff and about how max seemed to be having fun. While he wasn't trying to get David and Daniel together, he was hanging out with Nikki and Neil... And tabii because he had no choice. Max seemed to actually be having fun and that made David so happy, he'd finally been able to make max happy in camp. While they talked, David blushed harder and harder, staring into David's ocean blue eyes. His smile warmed his heart.it was so sad that they could never be together.. they were co-workers and it was against camp policy to be involved in that way. "I'm just going to get a drink" spoke David.
"Ok davey~"
Damn, that was weird, David thought. I don't think Daniels ever called me that before.. and why did he say it in that way?? He had lied about getting a drink. He just wanted a minute away from Daniel, so he could collect himself Daniel had followed David however, and they were stood to the side of the dance floor. David decided to ignore Daniel as if he wasn't there and it seemed to work. Daniel just watched all the other campers having fun. David was talking to Gwen until he was shoved backwards by something, not hard enough for him to fall over, but hard enough for him to find him in the arms of someone he loved..

Daniel had caught him mid fall and was looking deeply into his eyes. "Are you ok Davey?? You could have really hurt yourself!!"
"Haha I'm fine.." stammered David. He was blushing harder than ever before and Daniel noticed this, and swung him up so Daniels hands were around his waist and holding his hand. He started to dance slowly with David, which made him blush even harder "Dan.. Daniel!! Counselours aren't meant to take part in campers activities"
"Hey don't worry... it's not like we're part of the dance competition~"

Max went over to Gwen and nudged her. "look it's happening!!" He whispered. Gwen turned her head to see David and Daniel slow dancing. Nobody had really noticed them since they were near the back and away from the lights. David's head was resting on Daniels shoulder, looking overwhelmed by all of this while Daniel pulled him close. Gwen couldn't help but let an "aww escape her mouth. David put his head straight to look deeply into Daniels eyes again but noticed Danny was scanning the room. Once satisfied, he kissed David gently on the cheek which made David a blushing mess again and start quietly yelling that they were gonna get caught. However, someone did see, Gwen saw everything and couldn't stop fangirling about it.

The night ended too soon and everyone went back to their camps.. David and Daniel had other plans tho. They went back to David's cabin and kissed for a while. Hugging eachother at the same time and just being lil soft Bois in general. They were going out now, secretly since it was against the rules, even though Daniel didn't think it would matter. They kissed and kissed until they both got tired and then cuddled in bed until they both fell asleep.

When David woke up the next morning, he was pulled aside by Gwen. "Soooo..... Are you two a thing now" questioned Gwen.
"What no!! We.. no we just... We're just friends ok?!?"
"You're really bad at lying David. Anyways I don't think friends kiss eachother that much" she joked.
"Look Gwen I'm so sorry I know it's against the rules and we really shouldn't have done it and... Oh gosh Gwen im so sorry please don't tell Campbell or he'll probably fire me"
Gwen started laughing. "Hahahahha David this is camp Campbell, since when has this place cared about rules?? Hahaha" she laughs and informs that it's ok and that she doesn't care that he's at least a % gay and yeah the end or sum.

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