Giovanni x Reader

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Epithet Erased
Giovanni x Inscribed! Reader



soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.


You had fell asleep in the museum. Nobody really noticed that you had fallen asleep during the tour you were enjoying. They probably forgot, it always happened. You were inscribed with an Epithet, only one out of every five people had one. You were always told you were lucky but it didn't really feel lucky to you. Some would say like a flash of lightning, but they never stayed long enough to see. Honestly, no one would ever really notice that you were here. That you existed. You would always glow away and fade from their sight, practically transparent . You could also hide things for a certain amount of time with bubbles with an ability to move around and squeeze through small cracks like mist. And if you really wanted to, you could make something seem like a memory. There is also a different definition of it as electromagnetic waves, but you never really looked into it. 

Now that you were awake, you realized where you were and a part of yourself was confused but then again- after you dug into your memories you knew exactly why you were in this predicament. You were inside of the belly of a tall dinosaur with a pretty long neck. The only reason you had woke up was because of someone pressing the button for the name for the dinosaur you were sleeping in. "Apatosaurus."  Peeking at the world around you, you notice a movement in front of you talking about a lady Mera. A muscular dude with a work out regimen that screamed, 'I'll bench press you if I want too, but I won't cause I'm a literal cinnamon roll,' was right there, but as you looked around, your eyes locked with a tiny girl sitting next to a very tall dude wearing clothes that could only be described as a mustard jacket with ketchup hair. The dude was sitting on top of a bunch of unconscious bodies while behind a barrier. 

The small bear hoodie girl motioned for you to come closer and so you faded from existence and appeared right behind here. "Bear Trap look! She teleported behind you." You weren't going to correct him as you slowly pulled out your phone. The dude was quick to snatch it. "Nope! We're not having you talk to the cops! We need your help- see look." He points to the cinnamon roll who was invested in this dinosaur exhibits. "He's a bad guy, and we need you to help us get out of here so that we can steal what they are trying to steal." You sigh, after all how were you supposed know of what happened. "How about you both trick him?" You could easily sneak them out but you were bored and wanted to have fun. They somehow managed to convince the dude to let them out and he didn't even notice that you were here. You follow them in your evanescent trail, always there but never truly.

~Timeskip brought to you by Sergeant Bear and Corporeal Other Bear 🐻🐼 (there's no polar bear emojis, don't shun me)~

In a new setting in the Arctic exhibit, you somehow grew attached to them in the spam of seconds that being specifically Molly. She reminded you of yourself, especially with how she handled things. But Giovanni on the other hand, he was someone who you looked up to. Sure he had his foolish faults, that's sort of who he was with his strange charms. Though he may seem and act, 'dumb,' he actually really cared for his boys. He cherished them dearly and did his best to motivate everyone around him. And that's what warmed yourself up to him. You guys were in some sort of exhibit with two bears, as Giovanni and Molly were knitting and sewing bandanas for them, you made an embroider patch for the Banzai Blasters, in honor of Giovanni's kind words. "Oh you! Come here the both of you- Bear Trap and Skull Crusher!" As he hugged you, you smiled softly. Right, he gave you an official Banzai Blaster name after you tried to escape from him. That was a tale of you just being a grouch and wanting to be left alone, so you tried to make him and Molly forget about you being here but instead you just gave him a killer headache, as if he didn't want to forget you.

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