Chapter 1

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                            Lydia went home sad, alone, and depressed. She was also above all, a little angry at her father for how he acted at the funeral. It wasn't fair to her, to have to pretend to be fine. She was sick and tired of it already. Lydia went up to her room without even looking at her father. She flopped down onto her bed and sighed.

      "I'm alone...Utterly alone, except for you, dead mom." Lydia whispered. She knew she was most likely just talking to herself here, but she had to get it out. She sat there and ranted in her mind about everything that she was feeling at the moment. It seemed to her like her father didn't care that her mother had died. 'Does he even have a sympathetic bone in his body?' Lydia wondered, turning around in her bed to face the wall.

"Lydia...?" A voice at the doorway struck through Lydia's thoughts. Lydia buried herself deeper under the covers. She did not feel like dealing with Delia right now. To her horror, Delia went and sat on the bed. Lydia groaned, and sat up.

"What do you want, Delia." Lydia grumbled, not meeting Delia's eyes. Delia sighed and looked at Lydia.

"We're going to move to Connecticut, Lydia. I'm sorry. Your father wants a fresh start." Delia said slowly, kind of scared about how Lydia was going to react. Lydia stiffened, and threw herself back onto her pillow, sobbing. Delia watched for a moment before tearing her eyes off the poor motherless child. 


                                    Delia walked into Charles office, wanting to talk to him. She'd always been afraid of Lydia, but now she realized that Lydia only wanted her mother. Delia felt dumb for not realizing that before. What a great life coach she was.

                                                             "Charles..." Delia began. Charles looked up from the paperwork he was working on. 

                                  "What is it Delia? I'm a little busy, as you can see." Charles gestured to all the papers that littered his desk. Delia fought back a pang of guilt.

                                                        "I want to say that not doing so well." Delia attempted.

                                               "Oh, I know...I don't know what to do about it though...I'm horrible with emotions, and Lydia is so much like her mother." Charles voice broke. Delia ran over and hugged him.

                     "I know you miss her, Charles. Your allowed to be sad about her." Delia told him, concerned. Charles looked like he might cry for a moment before composing himself.

                                                                "I'm okay. Lydia will move forward soon as well." Charles said. Delia sighed. 

                                      Charles was too far into denial for her to help him right now.


                                                A few months later, they were moved into the new house. Lydia was so upset. Her mom had loved their house in New York, and now they had to move all the way out here? It hurt.

                                                                "I hate this house! Why can't we just go back home!" Lydia yelled.

                                   "Because this is our house now! We are moving forward, Lydia!" Charles yelled back. Lydia sniffed and ran to what was her new room. She didn't know what to do that would make her dad see that she didn't want to move forward. All Lydia wanted to do was talk about her.

                                                     He wouldn't even say her name.

                                                                Emily Deetz had been the best person in the whole world as far as Lydia was concerned. Lydia's mother had always overshadowed everyone else in her eyes. Emily was everything a mother should be. She was Lydia's whole world.

                                  And she was dead now. And all Lydia's father did was try to forget her.

                                                                           Lydia sighed, and laid down on her bed.

                                    "Hey dead mom, are you there? Please give me a sign...something so that I know your looking after me." Lydia whispered. She noticed a flash out of the corner of her eye coming from the door to the attic, which was in her room.

                                                           Was this a sign?


                                               Beetlejuice was a little bit sad for some reason. It had been centuries, and nothing had happened. Sure, he'd managed to cause some mayhem so he didn't get bored, but still. There was only so much one ghost could do to keep himself occupied.

                                                       When he'd died, there had been a prophecy told to him. There would be a breather with the powers of a ghost. Beetlejuice had to protect the person from getting exorcised or something. Only he could do it apparently. It was his mission to finally find this person, but he was out of luck so far.

                                                            "I wish I could finally be able to do my fucking job." Beetlejuice grumbled. 

                                   Beetlejuice had mistaken a women named Barbara Maitland for the person for a little bit until he realized she wasn't it, and she'd shown no signs of powers at all. Last he'd seen, Barbara and her husband Adam had fallen through the floorboards of their home and died. 

                                            He had felt bad, and seeing that he was the greeter of the Netherworld, he gave them their tote-bags before leaving.

                                                          "Hey, Mr. Beetlejuice. Still here?" Adam suddenly appeared. This shocked Beetlejuice, who had not thought he would see them for a while.

                     "Hey, A-Dog. What's up?" Beetlejuice asked, recovering his composure.

                                            "Some new people have moved into our old house, and one is very strange. She's got this weird aura about her. Seeing as you were so nice and told us your story when we first met, Babara and I thought you might be interested in checking it out?" Adam asked.

                                                                      "Interesting. Sure, I'll check it out. I'm surprised you guys even remembered me. Usually people don't." Beetlejuice admitted, getting up from his spot.

                                                   "Eh, you seemed a little wild, but overall friendly. Plus we just realized that you could help us with our new ghost powers..." Adam looked embarrassed.

                                                                                 "Of course. A favor for a favor. That's fair." Beetlejuice shrugged. Adam grinned. Beetlejuice and Adam teleported to the home. Beetlejuice took a mental note that Adam and Barbara already knew how to teleport.

                                   "Alright, show me the situation." Beetlejuice told Adam, rubbing his hands together. He didn't want to get his hopes up, but this seemed promising.

                                                              He might finally get to do what he was meant to do.

Dead Mom: A Beetlejuice Musical AUWhere stories live. Discover now