Chapter 3

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                  Barbara picked up the piece of paper that was sitting there. Lydia knew what it was and panicked inwardly, but she didn't dare do anything. Barbara finished reading it and stared at Lydia.

                                   "Lydia..." Barbara said sadly.

                                                  "I don't wanna talk about it." Lydia told her, not wanting to cry again. Barbara stared at her in concern for a moment.

                                                                    "This isn't healthy, honey. Please talk about it!" Barbara pleaded. Lydia groaned.

                  "I just met you. Why do you think I'd talk about my problems to a stranger?" Lydia snapped. She instantly regretted it when she saw the hurt flash in Barbara's eyes.

                                                     "Ly-" Barbara started.

                                                                                  "I'm sorry. That was mean. I shouldn't have said that." Lydia apologized.  Barbara smiled softly at the girl.

                                        "It's okay, I forgive you." Barbara assured her. The look of relief on Lydia's face made her heart happy. 

                                                                           "The thing is...I know my father wouldn't care. He and Delia would probably be so happy to be with each other and not have to deal with me. They're so annoying. My dad acts like he never even loved my mom, and it hurts." Lydia sighed.

                                                                                               "I'm so sorry, Lydia. You seem like such a great girl to me." Barbara said, trying to give Lydia a reassuring smile.

                                                                 "Thanks." Lydia said lamely. She and Barbara sat there awkwardly for a moment before Beetlejuice reappeared.

                                          "I forgot that your family can't see me. Either your going to have to say my name three times, or you'll have to scare them off yourself." Beetlejuice said almost apologetically.

                                                                              "Wait...I have an idea!" Lydia exclaimed.

                                                          "Well, what is it?" Adam asked.

                                   "Beetlejuice, you and I should work together to get them out! Our powers combined can definitely run them out." Lydia suggested.

                                                                                        "Adam and I can help too. They can't see us, so we can do weird things without them knowing whos doing what." Barbara told them.

                                                    "Yes! Let's do this!" Lydia grinned.

               "Wait, before you go...I wanna give a quick lesson on your powers." Beetlejuice stopped her.

                                                                       "Oh, ok...seems reasonable." Lydia conceded. She listened carefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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