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Pluviophile n.A lover of rain

The rain always knew when to come when it was needed it knew when I needed peace and quiet and that was all I needed. The stares of people offering their fake condolences to me try not to upset me but the time for being upset was over. I knew in their hearts that they didn't care but tried to be polite tiptoeing around me as if they were on eggshells. I took one glance up as the rain clouds eased my mind the gentle drops of the water cause me peace more peace then anyone could ever give. I glanced at my phone and looked at the time my once neat black dress was now crinkled and covered in mud from sitting in the heavy rain. I stood up getting a sharp pain in my knee probably from the hours of me kneeling the raindrops stained my cheeks the feeling was welcomed as I sighed. I cast one final look at the freshly placed gravestone of my mother before I got up and walked home the rain being my company my headphones blasting music.


I arrived at my house it always felt like home but now it had a haunting feel fathom images of my mother giggling as she read the papers with me on her lap rocking back and front on our rocking chair. I walked up the driveway thinking of when I fell off my bike and only succeed because she promised me 2 bedtime stories instead of one. I turned in time to see my neighbor staring at me she offers me a pitiful smile before turning to attend to her garden.  I open the rusty red mailbox to find once again a stack of bills I sigh getting ready to add it to the pile of bills sitting on the table. I turn to notice a man sitting on my porch was I in such a daze that I didn't notice him I stepped closer until his face was clear suddenly dawned on me. The words left to quick for me to shove them back in when my voice spoke.



hey, guys sorry if it was short so what you think love you guys bye.

Word count 374

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