chapter two

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note: you have read some of this chapter but I advise you to read the whole thing as some changes have been made.


He hesitates for a second not wanting to go through the trauma he went through all over again, hell he was surprised he wasn't already checked into a psychiatric hospital yet. He didn't want to get this beautiful girl warped up in the toxicity of the life he had, but he was compelled to anyway. "Sure."

Ava brought the car out front now walking up the steps of the hospital wondering why her husband was taking so long.

She was about to open the door when she spots a girl talking to Ethan, a girl who was on Ethan's phone giving him a flirtatious smile.

"I'll see you later for that coffee date then?" She asks.

Ava walks away from the doors walking down the steps. She wasn't hurt, she didn't feel any pain. Instead she was smiling as she pulled out her phone dialling an all too familiar number until the line is answered.

"Hello, Christopher, I need a favour."


"Oh god I am so sorry I-" I begin to say picking up my things. When I look up, mesmerized by the man in front of me, being at loss of words I just smile.

"Watch it, god can't you see where you're going." He rudely replies attempting to walk past me.

"You know you're the one that bumped into me so if I were you I would watch where I was going and not blame someone else for the fact that I can't see." I scoff getting up once I had picked up all my fallen things, with no help from him.

He sighs finally taking a look at me, a hint of glimmer flashing through his eyes as if he knew me, which would be odd since I've never met or seen this guy before, it was almost getting weird at this point. "Um?" I say trailing off not knowing what to say or do.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry, I'm just in a mood today I shouldn't have taken it out on you." He apologizes. "I'm Ethan, maybe I could take you out to coffee sometime to make up for being a dick." He smirks.

It was an all too familiar smirk, a kind of pride men had when trying to pick up girls, but I mean he wasn't too hard on the eyes so I allowed it.

"Don't let it happen again Dolan." I say before smirking.

He raised his brow as if to say, 'I didn't tell you my last name.'

I roll my eyes and leant up on the wall nearest to me. "What? you really expected me to not know you? your face is almost always all over the internet."

"And to clarify, I'm not that easy, you're going to have to do a lot better than that hotshot." I whisper before beginning to walk away from him. I pause mid-step before turning back around, pursing my lips, I think for a few seconds.

"Renata Webster. But people call me Ronnie or Ren, and for the blatant reason that I hate the name Renata." I say sticking out my hand for him to take.

A look of sadness overtook his face before he regains his slumped posture forming a small smile to hide his pout, before finally taking my small hand compared to his large one in his. "Okay, Ren, you visiting someone?" He asks, almost immediately having a face of regret.

I laugh. "Wow are you always this forward with the people you meet?"

"No sorry I- I didn't know what I was thinking." He stuttered out.

I gave him a questioning look crossing my arms before answering. "I'm here for my parents, they got into an accident, doctors said they don't know if they'll make it." I let out a small smile, rubbing the side of my arm trying to show no signs of any emotions so he couldn't decipher how I could possibly feel about this or not to get into anything personal.

"Wow I'm so sorry I asked." Ethan says taking a small step back. There was a long pause between us before I spoke up again.

"Ethan." I call out softly. "It's alright, you didn't know." I smile genuinely, surprised with myself that I was even able to. "And maybe you could make me feel better by giving me your number." I ask with a bite of my lip, he was intriguing, something I definitely didn't want to pass up. Maybe he could give me some sense of adventure, and this was the only way I could get close to him.

To find out about her.

Although I came across guys like him all too often, they weren't the ones you want a long committed relationship with, not that a relationship was what I'm here for.

Trust me. His attitude says it all, and he'll find out soon enough.

Just not yet.

I walk closer to him suddenly seeing his hesitation. He opened his mouth for a second not letting anything out before a smirk plays on his lips. "Sure." He answers taking my phone that I held out.

I watch him put in his contact until he gives it back to me. "I look forward to that coffee date then." I say.

"See you then Webster." He smiles up at me as he begins to walk backwards before he's out of my line of sight.

I watch him turn a corner, a speck of blonde hair just barely out of sight from where he disappeared to. With a roll of my eyes I begin walking again.

Hm, never been a home wrecker before, let's see how that goes, I mean I am a woman of trying new things.

I go back up to the room "my parents" were being held in, sitting back on the chair I had been sitting in all day.

With a sigh I look around the empty room. There are no parents. My parents have been dead for years. I just needed to tell him the lie I was told to tell, knowing he would ask it.

I just needed a reason to bump into him.

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