chapter four

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Love is a horrible thing isn't it?

You never know what to expect to be dragged into whether it be a psychotic wife, a dead ex-girlfriend but she was his current girlfriend since he was planning on ruining his marriage for her and the fact that they were having an affair.

No one really understands the repercussions of ones actions until you're dealt with it first hand. And Madison was just one of the few to have been caught up in it.

I made my way through the depressing corridors, passing by the same few patients I'd managed to get familiar with over the years I've been visiting Madison.

It was hard seeing her like this, seeing the woman I love having to deal with this. If I could trade places with her– I would in a heartbeat, without a doubt. Just so I wouldn't see her in pain. But I couldn't find her in time.

That dreadful day. I couldn't even think about it without feeling like crying and I hated that I wasn't there to save her, had I just swallowed my pride maybe she would be be able to walk still, to talk to me.

Pushing the thought aside, I finally reach the tall grey door, just as I was about touch the knob it had opened before I could.

"Oh, Grayson, hi, how are you." The nurse, Maha, that I've been seeing go in and out of Madison's room for the past few years.

"I"m good, you? and how's Madison doing?" I ask considering I hadn't seen her for a couple days.

I always tried to see Madison every day for a few hours because she really is the only woman in my life, well the only one ever since that night. But due to my hectic schedule I'd recently started doing modelling campaigns for several companies in different cities and countries which hasn't allowed me enough time with Madison as I wanted to.

"Well she seems in a mood." Maha laughs.

"God, I really am gonna get it huh?" I groan with a playful laugh.

"Yup." She nods with a laugh.

"Well if this doesn't work I don't know what will." I say referring to my face and of course the bag of her favourite things and a bouquet of her favourite flowers.

I walk into the room seeing her wheelchair faced away from the door and to the tv mounted on the wall.

"Hey beautiful." I say warily.

She doesn't say anything rather her eyes stay focused on the tv that played reruns of Family guy.

I quietly set everything on the made up bed and proceed to crouch in front of her. Madison still not making any movement to acknowledge my presence.

"Princess." I whisper, knowing the little nickname always got to her.

Her eyes slowly shift to my figure on the floor, a small smile tugging on her lips.

"There's that gorgeous smile." I look up at her feeling the intense nervousness I always felt when she looked at me with her doey green eyes.

The sunlight shining through the window hit her face, she seemed to be a bit paler than usual but nothing in my mind doubted how much she amazed me.

Over the few years I somehow managed to break down her walls she'd so harshly built up. It was definitely hard for both me and her, it put a strain on the complicated relationship we already had, but it wasn't something we couldn't push through. Most of the time it was like I was talking to a wall, because all she did was stare ahead of her. She was basically mute and it hurt at how much what she went through affected her.

"I've missed you." I whispered out. She brought her hands up to my face before pulling me in for a small kiss. Something I loved more than anything.

"Don't tell you've gone soft on me in just a matter of a few days." She giggles, her voice still low.

Due to the fact she hadn't talked for years and only once started again a few months back she had to train her voice a bit more. Her voice still being a bit low and groggy. Though she knew I was patient with her, she knows I only have eyes for her. It's something different with her, words that can't describe her perfection.

"For you, maybe." She rolls her eyes playfully before I grab the back of her wheelchair and push her in the direction of the bed. Grabbing her hand I help her up as she takes a few wobbly steps, ninety percent of her weight being pushed up onto me while she struggled.

The doctors had recently tried a treatment that surprisingly had a positive impact on her and that's helping her through the process of walking again. I couldn't be any more happier for my girl.

We comfortably got into bed as I pulled her into my chest, her warm body collapsed on mine. "So, Ethans going to be coming in a bit, since you've been more vocal with your words and everything and the fact that you're getting back on your feet again, he wants you to meet someone."

"Who?" She asks.

"You'll see." I answer, we go back into a comfortable silence, my fingers caressing her soft skin. It was so weird how we went from this playful hating friendship to this loving complicated together but not together friendship thing we got going on here.

A soft knock on the door made me get up, nervous for how Madison would react to the news.

Will she be Mad? Happy? Conflicted? All of them? It wasn't even fully my problem and I couldn't stop stressing about it since Ethan told me he was ready.

Madison sits up from behind me and grabs the cane she used to support herself as she gets up off the bed, a sceptical look on her face at my obvious nervousness.

'Here goes nothing.' I mutter under my breath.

I open the door to reveal Ethan, he silently greets her before looking at me, also a worried expressions displayed on his face.

"Will someone tell me what's going on? I will beat you both, paralyzed and all."

I nod towards Ethan as he goes towards the door again.

A boy with soft brown hair and radiant blue eyes emerges from behind Ethan's legs as he holds onto them.

"Madison, meet Jayce, my 4 year old son."


bet y'all didn't see that coming 👀
i wanted to post this friday but i literally couldn't wait

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