chapter five

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TW: mention of a roofie (just wanted to put it out there in case)


"Madison, meet Jayce, my 4 year old son."

My heart was beating a million miles per minute. I wanted to say so much, yell, scream, cry. Well at the rate I was going I doubted I could do the first two with the set of lungs I got.

"What– How?" I managed to get out. I sat down on the bed, my fingers raking through my hair.

God, if Veronica would have known about this today she'd beat his–

"Madison say something." Ethan pleaded, a frown on his face.

I could take him, a little punch to the throat will knock him out. With a sigh I turned my attention to the little boy that stood in front of Ethan, he gave me a small smile and wave despite not knowing who I was.

"What the f– heck is this Ethan? How is this possible?" I said feeling completely distraught at what was happening.

A KID. When did he have a kid? A whole 4 year old. Was I that out of it that no one bothered to tell me? I'm going insane.

"Well when a man and woman–" Grayson starts.

"Grayson I swear to god if you finish that sentence." I say already irritated to the fact that I still had no idea what was going on.

There was a short silence after that and I watched as Ethan grabbed the hand of the boy and led him to couch in the corner of the room, sitting him down along with himself.

"He's Ava's." He said with a pointed look towards me, a flash of regret hinting from his eyes.

"Hey buddy why don't we get something to eat, I know they have your favourite pudding in the cafeteria downstairs." Grayson interrupts dragging Jayce out the door with him. The door closing with a soft thud, leaving us in an awkward silence once again.

"When did this happen?" I ask to rid the silence that was becoming too long for me to remain patient.

Ethan looks at me, sadness taking over his features. " Ava drugged me one night. I was so out of it because it was a little while after Veronica, you know." He stuttered out.

"I didn't know that at first until I kind of put things together when her symptoms started showing, it's a common date rape drug. So, I know we had sex that night when she told me she was pregnant because I knew I hadn't willingly had sex with her and since I hadn't been giving her any attention it resulted her into doing something so rash, which wasn't surprising coming from her, but I knew I wanted this kid more than anything when it set in. Even if I was becoming appalled with her behaviour at the time, I don't regret having him in my life; he is the only love in my life."

"Then I'm guessing you know about who did everything, don't you?" I ask warily, nervously looking up at him.

This wasn't something he should be getting involved in anymore than he already is. If anything he needed to get as far from Ava as he could, she was dangerous, we have no clue what she could be capable of at this point, she'll do anything and everything to get what she wants.

He nods and I sigh out of frustration. "You need to leave her Ethan."

"You don't think that's what I've wanted to do? God I'd do anything to get away from this psychopath, but I can't. Not with Jayce in the picture, If I leave her, she'll find a way to make sure I never get within an inch of him, she'll have a way to get sole custody, I just can't risk it until I can get her behind bars."

"Ethan. I'm telling you, don't get involved." I say through a whisper.

"I'm already involved Madison. The only person I ever truly loved is dead because I was so damn oblivious to everything around me, so blinded by what I felt for Ava that I didn't see what I could have prevented." His voice booms, echoing from the walls as a tear slipped from his eye. He walks over to me, bending down so his hands rested on my knees. "And now I have Jayce." The look in his eyes filled with admiration and love.

"I will get justice for you, for Veronica, and for my baby. I will do everything I can. I promise you that."

"Ethan please, you don't understand how serious this actually is and I'm begging for you to just protect your son, your baby. For me, for Veronica. Stop being ignorant." I said shaking my head at his protests.

"Then help me understand." He says softly.

"I–" But stopped the second the word left my mouth. I can't. Not yet.

"I can't Ethan. You just have to trust me." I say pleading my words. He would only get hurt.

He looks at me intently a small sigh escaping his mouth before he looks down shaking his head slightly. "Okay. I trust you. But if things go wrong I'm taking matters into my own hands."

"Now let me formally meet the little man." I giggle slightly.

A large smile plasters onto his face as he wipes the remnants of a few tears before he stands up and goes off to retrieve Grayson and Jayce.

The small kid walks in once again, a little pride to his step as he now stood in front of me. "I'm Jayce." He spoke out with a smile, his hand out for me to shake.

"You're a handsome little thing aren't you?"


"M&Ms please." I muttered out pointing towards the top of the vending machine. My head nodding upwards as I look up at Grayson behind me. It was a regular occurrence for him to wheel me around the hospital so I could have a breath of fresh air and some interaction with the patients I had befriended over the years.

"Madison you can't just change the subject. What is it that you couldn't tell Ethan? Why can't you tell me?" He sighs, punching in the code for the snack as I watch it fall down into the small cubby.

"Just forget it Gray, my voice is strained right now." I slump forward inwardly groaning from all the talking I'd done today. I mean it is something I need to get used to.

"Whatever Madison." After that he didn't say much more, nor did he flirt or throw out a few douchey comments, which left me disappointed.

"Stop." I whine. "You never call me by name it's always Mads or babe." I cross my arms in annoyance. Even after getting back to my room he didn't say anything unless he had to.

"Are you mad?" I frown.

He continues to ignore me so knowing he wouldn't be happy I got up without the use of my cane and started cautiously walking to where he sat in the opposite side of the room, wobbling my way over to him.

"Madison be careful, please." He yells slightly, rushing over to my side, grabbing my arms to assist me to where he was once sitting.

"You just have to trust me Gray."

"I do trust you, you know that. I don't want you to get hurt again. I cant live through it. I cant watch it happen to you again. I'll break baby." His voice cracks slightly at the end of the sentence, making me want to breakdown right in front of him. I hated when he was sad.

"Gray look at me." I say bringing his face to mine so that we were inches from eachother. "I'm okay. I will be. I'll be able to walk again."

"What happened that day?" He whispers, loud enough for me to hear but sent a wave of anxiety throughout my body. To this day I still hadn't given my side of the story except to the authorities for when they questioned me. But for some reason I couldn't build up the courage to talk to Grayson about it.

But right now wasn't the time. Not yet.

"That's a story for another time. Please be patient with me." That was the only thing I could say. There were so many reasons I couldn't tell him. For his safety.

"I'm always here, whenever you need me."


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