Deep in the Woods....

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Bdubs' PoV

"Okay...." I began, then stopped. "Are you kids sure you can handle this? I'm not sure that you can-"

"YES!" Pause, Vechs, and Nebris shouted in unison, while MC and Etho just glared at me.

"Just start the story already," Seth complained. "We want to hear it!"

I sigh and say, "Fine, I suppose I'll begin the story." I find a suitable position in the chair and start my tale.

"Germany. The year was 1987, and a group of kids- about your age- went on a camping expedition. They were accompanied by their parents and a pair of dogs which would serve as guards, and the trip was to last a week. Once they got to their destination, the sun was setting and the youngest child was already dozing off. The three families worked together to set up tents and campfires, while they kept coolers and lunch bags safe in the R.V. The first two nights were normal. Nothing unusual happened. Then, late into the third night, they heard the barking. The men grabbed their rifles and headed outside to investigate. They later returned, reporting two deer. The next morning, they awoke to find their food and water supply completely ravaged and their R.V's tires slashed. The adults went scavenging while the kids remained at the campsite, playing catch with the dogs. This routine continued for a week, and by then, only the adults had even a little bit of energy left to do much at all.

"On the morning of the eleventh day, the six year-old girl passed out and later died of extreme fatigue and malnutrition. It is said that after that, the children began seeing dark figures in the trees, keeping watch on the half-dead friends. Late on the thirteenth night, the remaining children saw one of the humanoid creatures and decided to follow it. They eventually came across an old concession stand and rejoiced over their discovery. The next morning, the kids' parents woke to find empty sleeping bags. They spent the entire day searching, and evenually came in sight of the concession stand, only to find the horribly mutilated bodies of their children.

"They mourned day and night, and on the brightest night, one adult slaughtered the others for the food he was so yearning. He cooked the meat and survived long enough to make his way to the nearest city, where he was found collapsed on the ground and rushed to the hospital. No further details are known about the man, the victims, or the so-called humanoid creatures," Bdubs finished with a sly grin.

"AWESOME!" Pause yelled. "That was an awesome story, Bdubs!"

"How could you think that?!" Kurt exclaimed in horror. "Poor MC must be scarred for life!" MC was snug in the arms of his older brother, whimpering inaudible words.

The others just stared at me with mixed emotions. Aurey and Etho looked terrified, while Nebris seemed to be taking in the information. Okay... I thought and clapped my hands once. "Okay, great story! It's getting late. Let's put up the food and head off to-"


Instantly, everyone whipped their heads around at the sound of Pause's scream of terror. The poor boy was being held to the ground by Generik, who was likely dying of laughter. I burst out laughing, as well as everyone else besides Pause when we saw the hilarious sight.

"I told you it would work!!!" Genny managed to shout, then collapsed onto the ground, unable to suppress his hysteria.

"Guys.... that's not funny!" Pause yelled, suddenly in a bad mood. "Do you know how much that scared the shit out of me?!" he sobbed, then took off, running to his tent.

I felt bad for him. "I had no idea this would happen! It was just a prank!" I sighed. Genny and I exchanged glances, and got up to follow Pause.

Did I just ruin this camping trip?

Kurt's pov

Those ass holes. MC is now sobbing into my arms and I'm scared as hell. "Come on, MC. Let's go calm Pause down. Can you help?"

He nodded softly at me. Then I got an idea! I leaned down to whisper in my younger brothers ear. He looked up at me grinning from ear to ear.

We stood up together, him still clinging to my side pretending to be scared as hell. "I'm gonna go get this little one calm and try to calm down Pause. You guys went a little too far." MC and I start walking away and I tap his shoulder and he looks up at me and I wink. He grins and runs over to Bdubs.

As soon a he gets there, Bdubs gets a good shin kicking. Everyone is dumbfounded that little MC did that but I'm on the ground dying of laughter. He runs back to me and I give him a hug. "That was great little man!"

Him and I sprint to the tent that Pause hid in and go in. "Are you okay, Pause?" MC walks over to the teen that is snuggled in his sleeping bag. "They took it too far. Kurt and I taught Bdubs a lesson!"

Pause emerges from the bag questionably. After explaining to him he had a mischievous smile on his face. "I have another idea to get back at Genny."

He has us huddle up and tells us his genius plan. I smile at him an we take action.

It all starts with MC. He starts yelling pauses name. "Pause?! Pause, Kurt what's wrong with him?!" He yelled loud enough for us to know that the others heard us. I make MC act like he's terrified and literally carry him out if there.

Faking it, I set him down and pull him into a hug as if I'm protecting him or keeping him from something, making sure everyone saw us.

I look at Genny and say "I hope your happy. You scared him so much it set of some kind of trauma and he's in a corner shaking." Genny looked like he'd seen a ghost. Beef and Etho shot up, scared for their brother. They ran for the tent, worried beyond belief but they looked at me and I winked before they went in. They stayed in for a few minutes as Pause explained his plan to them.

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