Chapter Twelve

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Record-Keeper Jedi

After lunch one day, several months later, Obi-Wan and Alex sat down at the table. The suns shone brightly through the window, illuminating the whole of the stone house.

"Do you know what day it is?" Obi-Wan asked with a twinkle in his eye. Alex remembered the look fondly. He always had this look when he was going to do something particularly uncle-ish.

Alex shook his head. He had lost track of time a while ago. 

"Today is a holiday celebrated on Earth, known as Christmas Day." That explained the twinkle in his eye.

The young apprentice was surprised to hear this information. "Really? Has it been that long since I've been here?" Alex remembered that it had been May when he had left. That meant he had been here for seven months!

"Yes, believe it or not. And since it is a custom to give gifts on Christmas, I have something for you." He left the room for a moment and returned with a small metal object in his hand. "My padawan, Alex Rider," he began, "You have done exceptionally well these months of your Jedi training. According to the Code, you were far too old to begin; yet you have advanced further in a few months than most do in a five years. It is my duty, honor, and pleasure to present you with your very own Jedi weapon, a lightsaber."

Alex took it in his hand. The hilt was cylindrical and quite dense. He found the button on the side and pressed it. Instantly, a green beam of light appeared with a snap-hiss from the end. He looked at it with amazement. He finally had his own lightsaber. He moved it around and smiled to himself as it buzzed and hummed with each movement. He then held it squarely in front of him with both hands and gave Obi-Wan a bow. "I thank you, Master, for your gift. It will serve me well."

"Keep in mind, Alex, that this weapon is your life. If you lose it, it cannot be replaced easily." Obi-Wan chuckled to himself. He recalled having to tell Anakin Skywalker this same phrase countless times. Quick as lightning, he ignited his own lightsaber. "Are you ready to learn how to use it?"

Alex smiled. "Absolutely."


It was now almost a year since Alex had come to live with his uncle/master to train as a Jedi. He had become very proficient with his lightsaber, and could draw it just as fast as Obi-Wan. They often fought each other for practice for both of them. Alex used the Force for so many things now that he wondered how he had ever lived without it on Earth. Every now and again, his thoughts would drift to the Pleasures, but they would soon drift back where they came from. He loved being with his uncle and learning the Jedi ways. His future was here, training, so that one day, when the rebellion happened, he would be ready to fight alongside his uncle and Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The two Jedi went into town and visited the small cantina one day in what Alex guessed was probably April. It had been a while since they had been there, and Obi-Wan wanted to get caught up on the news. They chose the usual table in the far corner and began their eavesdropping. After they had gathered a few useful tidbits and were getting ready to leave, an important-looking figure and his men strode through the door.

Obi-Wan put a hand on Alex's arm. "Hold on. He's an Imperial officer. He might have something worth hearing."

They sat back down and put their hoods over their heads to conceal their faces. The officer took a seat at the bar and ordered food and drinks. A hush took over the room as everyone wanted to hear what he had to say. Nobody liked the Imperials except the Imperials themselves, but he did know what was happening.

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