Chapter Twenty

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Resistance Reunion

The six guards at the prison gate stood perfectly still, the light from Kreon's four moons reflecting off their white armor, making them look like strange little toy soldiers.

"Somebody's coming," one said. He pointed across the moat. He raised his blaster. "Who's there?"

"We have a prisoner," came the reply. "We caught this one hiding in the woods."

"Very well," the guard replied. "Lower the bridge! They have a prisoner."

The bridge creaked as it was laid across. The two stormtroopers marched over; one with a blaster muzzle to the prisoner's back, prodding.

"Very good, soldier."

"Where shall we take the prisoner?"

"Put the prisoner in the sub-level holding cells. The General doesn't tolerate snoopers."

The large double-doors opened, and they disappeared inside. Once inside, Alex breathed a sigh of relief. His plan had worked. "How do we get to the sub-levels?" he whispered, even though he was sure nobody was around.

Damar pointed discreetly, lifting one finger. "There. Turbolift."

"Come on! Get going!" Ferus shouted, trying to look genuine.

"Ow!" Damar pretended to stumble, then headed to the turbolift.

So far, so good, Alex thought. This is working great. The doors hissed open when they reached the basement. It was deserted of guards.

Ferus and Alex peeled off their helmets and set them down. Alex was glad to be rid of it. It was stuffy and hard to see through.

Ferus started down the cellblock. Alex stood still, thinking. When Ferus noticed Alex wasn't following, he also stopped.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I felt something," he said. "A familiar presence. Obi-Wan's been here. Recently."

Ferus and Damar felt it as well. "Yes, he has. He must have been put here, then transported to Dontamo. We must have just missed him. We have to hurry."

Ferus continued on, going from cell to cell, searching for the others. Most prisoners were sleeping or in some sort of trance, far away in their own imaginary worlds, trying to block out the depressing reality of prison.

As Ferus passed by one cell, the occupant looked up at him. "Ferus? Ferus Olin?"

Ferus stopped. He had almost missed him. "Samora? Is that you?"

The man leaped to his feet. "Have you come to rescue us?"

"Yes. Where are the others?"

"They are all down here."

"Good," he said. "Stand back. I'm going to  open the door." He pulled out his lightsaber to cut the door open.

"Yes!" Samora cried joyfully. "I'm free!"

"Not quite," Ferus droned.

Samora led them to the others' cells. Soon they were all free -- Samora, Tinna, Luna, Rolando, Onfri, and Leela. The group gathered around the three Jedi.

"Who are these guys, Ferus?" Luna asked.

"No time for introductions. We have to get out of here. Alex, lead the way out of here. I'll bring up the rear." 

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