Arc 1.1

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I had to rewrite half of this chapter three times... I have a bad habit of complicating things 。゚(TT)゚。


Lying on the bench with his eyes closed, Peter began to think about how predictable these beginner worlds worked. Two-dimensional characters, main leads that overreact to everything, and everyone having a black and white world view. He is starting to regret choosing such a beginner world.

In different worlds, the way a ML and FL are born is sometimes different. Dimensions have different ways of identifying a leading character. In this one, it was based on luck. It is actually a fairly common situation that is seen almost exclusively in beginner worlds.

When a person of the world is born, they are given a set amount of luck. The amount of luck they are given from birth cannot rise, nor can it fall. A leading character is born with infinite luck, however, as good as it sounds there is also a downside caused by the balance this world demands.

To counteract the irregular amount of luck the person contains, it starts to attract negative energy, or bad luck. This causes many unfortunate situations that the main leads face. Without this balance, the world would start to collapse.

It was strange how the system worked, how it turned reality into a storyline. It first picks out an event in the dimension that had left a strong imprint of SP. It then traces the event back to its origin and starts to scan the involved and surrounding characters. Once the system has successfully produced the information of each soul's IQ and abilities, it gives the world a predicted level of difficulty. After that is done, it looks for the most compatible body that could contain its host's soul. When the body is found, the system calculates what actions will help give them the max amount of energy and makes them missions. Giving a brief description of the summary it sends the host on its way to collect the energy.

Most systems will choose SP, which means they just have to let the plot continue as it had before, then collect the reward.  ZP, however, is the energy the world emits when the actions of the fated outcome becomes changed, meaning the time and energy you put into a world is increased. Spiritual Power is the guaranteed way to get its power, as well as usually giving more than that of a Zeno Power collector would amass.

As nice as getting easy guaranteed power is, ZP cannot be underestimated. ZP can be collected in numerous ways, just like the missions for this world.

A soul that died with regret is bound to their body. Most eventually move past their regrets and continue onto the afterlife, a select few are stuck, just like the original Peter. By taking over the life of a soul that had regrets, each regret that is fulfilled will give the host a part of their soul, which can be transformed into ZP.

This is the recommended way to gain ZP in this current world, but it doesn't mean that the host cannot also gain more by other means, which is exactly what Peter has planned. Even  if it did not reap any rewards, he was determined to make the storyline completely go off the rails. Giving a soft smile as he thought how nice it was to have a choice, he fell asleep.

The bell rang, notifying him that it was now lunch. Slowly getting up, he wiped the sleep from his eyes and stretched his arms towards the sky. Feeling refreshed he walked down to the first floor of the building and headed to the cafeteria.

Peter was an orphan. His parents died when he was 12, leaving most of their money to his older brother Kyle in order for him to raise Peter. They did this knowing the truly loving relationship the two of them had, they knew that the eldest would be responsible with the money and care for the youngest. Unfortunately, they were incorrect. Kyle was already 18 when they died, seeing the amount of zeroes, as their family was fairly well off, he took the money and left the country. Peter was devastated learning that his brother would leave him with nothing, causing him to become insecure and depressed.

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