28 | hit me with your best shot

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"What are you doing right now?" Celia asked Jed, wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

"Someone's rather chipper today," he replied, wiggling out of her grip.

"You could say a weight has lifted off my shoulders. Besides, you didn't answer my question," she sang toward him.

"Nothing," he grumbled, eyeing her suspiciously. Celia smiled. Was it really so strange for her to be excited?

"Fantastic because it's that time of the week."

"We don't have to do this anymore, Celia. I'm not alpha."

Celia faked a gasp. "I don't know what you're talking about." Ok so yeah that may have been how things started, but since the challenge, she realized how much she missed her best friend. The weekly sparring session was one way to spend time together. She was also looking forward to kicking his ass for once.

He groaned. "Okay. Fine." She grinned before taking his arm and dragging him toward the gym. Today was the day. Today was the day she was going to beat Jed.

There were already wolves scattered throughout the gym, which didn't surprise Celia at all. It was a popular hangout spot for the pack. A group of littles was playing sharks and minnows on one end. Some other high schoolers were scattered about the bleachers, and a group of middle schoolers helped Celia roll out the mat while Jed went into the locker room to change.

By the time Jed got back out, Celia was jumping out of her skin to fight him. She didn't leave time for banter before she lunged, shoving into his core and sending him stumbling backward.

"Come on Chen," she cracked a playful smile, "I'd expect you to always be on your toes."

He rolled his eyes, quickly recovering from her blow. "Someone's feeling a little cocky today too, huh?" He asked, arching an eyebrow. The smile that was already on her face grew as she studied his movements. Today was her day. Nothing was going to stop that.

His back arched as he prepared to throw a punch. When he did, she ducked down, hitting his back and sending him tumbling forward.

"This again?" He groaned as he caught himself. Quickly he spun around and kicked in her direction. His speed caught Celia off guard and his foot landed straight to her stomach. The wind whooshed out of her, sending her stumbling backward. Heavy gasps escaped her throat as she fought to catch her breath.

"Rude," she grumbled, repositioning herself. The fight continued like this for a while. She threw a punch which he blocked with his forearm. He responded with one of his own, which she easily ducked below. Their fight looked like less of what it was supposed to be and more like an elaborate dance. He threw a kick, which she caught. She lunged forward to tackle him and he swatted her to the side. Jed was doing better than she had expected him too. He was thinking more, acting less arrogant. In a weird way, she was proud, except that day she wanted to beat him.

Her opening came after a quick series of events. He punched her, knocking her in the jaw. She could feel that he pulled back. It hurt half as bad as it should have. That was his mistake. He threw another punch, which she blocked with her arm. Then he threw another and another, and finally, Celia could see that he was starting to get frustrated. Frustrated and tired. Sweat poured down his forehead as he tried to keep up with her. His breaths came out in heavy puffs.

When he stepped back to catch his breath, she pounced. In rapid succession, she punched him. He blocked most of them, but one got through, hitting him square in the jaw. He stepped back, touching the sore spot before raising an eyebrow at her. It was on. He lunged forward and she caught his arm. Moving fast, she ducked down and swiped out his legs. She had him pinned. She won.

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