31 | nightmare on salvatore street

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Celia was still in the library, drooling over the derivative of cosine. There were no dead bodies. There was no blood. It was a dream. A dream that one sick monster created.

Pushing back in her chair, Celia stood, sending her head into spirals.

Ok, she thought, apparently not completely a dream. Her head pounded, and when her fingers fumbled toward the impact spot on her forehead, they came back sticky with blood. Apparently whatever happened to her in said dream-state had serious repercussions. She had to tell someone.

"Celia?" Rafael's brows were furrowed as he took in the scene. She was sure she looked like a mess. Who gets a bloody head from calculus? Talk about maximum brainpower.

"I-I need to see Dr. Saltzman."

Raf nodded, not even questioning her as he took her arm lead her out the library.


Celia asked Raf to leave them as she talked to Dr. Saltzman. His conflicted feelings were clear on his face. Either he was curious or he actually cared. She was sure it was probably curiosity. After all, who wouldn't be curious if they found someone bloody in the library? She just knew what she had to tell Dr. Saltzman she didn't want anyone else to hear.

Something that was confirmed for her by the look of pity that came across her headmaster's face as she told him her story.

"Have you talked to Emma about your feelings about this?"

Celia swallowed the lump that suddenly appeared in her throat. "Yes," she lied. Sure. She had talked to Emma about it when she first got to the Salvatore School. Now she preferred to ignore the subject. "I thought I had moved past it," her voice trailed off as she said that. She thought a lot of things, a lot of things she was wrong about. She hit her hand on his desk, clearing her mind. "But that's not what I'm trying to talk about here. There's another monster and I think it invades people's minds." Her fingers find the cut on her head again. "And whatever happens is real."

He scowled, finally understanding her. His arms were crossed over his chest as the sun rose over his shoulder. It was already morning.

"Look-" he stopped talking when the doors to his office slammed open. Raf was standing there, a frantic look on his face and Hope at his side. Celia hated it, but the sight of the two of them together caused her stomach to twist.

"Something just attacked me in my sleep." His words came out quickly, but concise enough that everyone in the room heard. He raised his arm, revealing a nasty red welt that was beginning to form across his forearm. Celia stood to help him with his wound like she didn't have her own to worry about, but Hope beat her to it. She ushered the other werewolf into the seat next to Celia, dabbing at his arm with some sort of remedy.

"This happened to you in a nightmare?" Dr. Saltzman asked, stepping out from behind his desk. For the briefest second his eyes darted over to Celia, which is how she knew he now believed her.

"Look," Rafael looked at Hope, then at Celia. "I know it sounds crazy but I was studying and then I fell asleep, and then I just started thinking about..." he cut off abruptly.

"About what?" Hope pressed, leaning toward him. Celia leaned back in her chair as she watched the two interact. There was something about it, something she didn't notice before. Yet, she couldn't put her finger on what it exactly was.

Raf glanced over at her, meeting her gaze for the briefest moment before returning it back to his feet. "Um," he looked up at Dr. Saltzman. "One of my old, uh, foster dads. He was in the library and he had this old belt."

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