Chapter One: A Beautiful Night

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Most people are born into a simple, yet meaningful life. They go to school, get a job, find a partner, and start a family. It is an age old cycle that has worked out well for all species, minus the various traditions that humans have come up with during their reign. This cycle is what has kept each species alive and has given them some degree of happiness.

A few members of each species are selected to lead. A male lion protects his pride and ensures they have land in which to live and hunt. The queen bee leads and ensures there will be plenty of worker bees to sustain the hive. The president, emperor, king, or what have you, rules and provides a society for their followers to live in. Unlike other species, that type of leadership is rather unpredictable.

No one can agree on what separates a good leader from a bad one. Of course, ruthlessly killing others can easily be seen as evil, but does a lion not kill any threat to his kingdom? One may say that a good leader is one who is kind, provides their people with food and shelter, and backs away from war and conflict that could injure their followers. However, the queen bee sends her workers out into a world of danger constantly and has one of the best working systems in nature.

The lines are gray and crossed often. This is what haunts my thoughts during those dark nights and why I will choose a simple, meaningful life over one full of wrong decisions, pain, and regret. Given the choice, I would always choose the cycle.


The flames danced in sync with myself and the music as the stars sparkled above my swaying head. It was hot in front of the fire, but the misty breeze from the ocean helped to provide a much needed coolness.

"Jamie, you want a beer?"

I stopped dancing and glanced over at Caitlyn, who was clutching two IPAs in her tan fists. "Yeah, thanks."

She handed one to me and paused while we both enjoyed a cool sip.

"Mike is spending the whole night with Alicia," she murmured with a pout as we settled into a pair of blue beach chairs in front of the bonfire. "I don't even know why I came."

"To enjoy a fun night with your best friend before we have to head back to school?" She glared at me through amber eyes as I continued. "You've got to let him know that you're interested. He's not psychic."

Caitlyn shrugged and lifted her beer. "Maybe after a few more of these."

"Maybe what after a few of these?" A large male with bright blue eyes sunk into the seat beside me.

"Nothing Darren," Caitlyn replied. "Just girl stuff."

"Very interesting, I'm sure. Anyway, Jamie, why'd you stop dancing?"

"It's too hot, and those dudes near the water kept looking over here." I was often the over cautious friend, but Caitlyn wasn't even twenty-one. I wasn't in the mood to go to jail tonight.

"Since when do you mind an audience?" Darren asked with a wink.

I shrugged and tried to ignore Caitlyn, who was wiggling her eyebrows dramatically at me. She had wanted Darren and I to date since the start of our sophomore year at the University of New Hampshire. I had told her repeatedly I had no time for frivolous relationships.

This was somewhat true, but more so had to do with the fact that I never tended to stay in one state for too long. It had been over two years in New Hampshire, which was close to my longest yet.

A short man with brownish red hair and brown eyes that glowed in the fire wandered over and Darren signaled for him to join us. Mike took the seat beside me, and I watched with a small smile as Caitlyn began a very long conversation with him. He was slurring already, so I doubted he was really following along. Men, I thought to myself with an eye roll.

I was glad I had remained here for this long. I managed to find a group of friends that was unlike any other, especially Caitlyn with her dark sense of humor and her constant boy drama. I tried not to get too close to others, but I remained confident with this choice. Also, I would likely be failing my entire Politics degree if it wasn't for Alicia's intelligence and patience in helping me study.

"Do you want to dance again?" Darren asked, snapping me back into the conversation.

I glanced at the water where the two men were still located. "The guys are still creeping."

"Who cares? They probably just had one too many one at the bars nearby. Or they're just enjoying the beautiful night like the rest of us."

"I mean, they could be cops."

"If they were cops, they would have already told us to stop having a fire on the beach. And even if they are, maybe they have bigger things to worry about tonight."

I considered this for a moment before letting Darren pull me up and dance with me beside the fire. Before long he slid his hands into my curly mane of black hair and pulled me in for a gentle kiss. I silently hoped Mike was being as giving behind me.It was a beautiful night after all.

The night slowly melted away into dancing, drinking, and laughter before Caitlyn dropped me off at my house. I snuck in and upstairs before Marissa could appear and comment on my 1:30am arrival and sunk into the silky sheets in my bed. This week had been a perfect end to a wonderful summer, probably the best I had ever had. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, any worries I had had earlier in the night forgotten for the time.


A bit of a slow start, but I wanted to set the overall mood.

Hope you enjoyed! Chapter two will be longer (and more exciting).

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