Chapter Three: Her Fate (Part Two)

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"We stand out. Keep your head down, walk fast, and follow me. Do not make eye contact with anyone."

I nodded and lowered my head to look at my muddy sneakers. Marissa was covered in blood, and I probably looked like a runaway slave in my attire. A couple of bruises had formed from the fight and my dark hair was still damp with sweat. I had seen far better days.

As a siren, I could probably pass for a human slave. We were similar in almost every way after evolution had taken pity on my poor ocean dwelling species. Unfortunately, this meant that we had many of the same weaknesses as humans. We did not have crazy strength or speed nor did we have the ability to quickly heal our wounds. Taken by surprise, we could be easy to kill. However, our power was unmatched. Many sirens had been killed off in the wars, more of a genocide really, but some of us remained. I shut my mind away from that particular history lesson and tried to gain some insight on the kingdom around me.

I could overhear pleasant conversations, a slave master screaming at some poor soul, a child crying out for help, until another voice yelled for him to be quiet, and the pained screams of a young woman. I had to look up for that last one and regretted it when I saw a girl being whipped by a burly man in the street. What the hell was wrong with people? Why did they want to cause pain?

"Head down," Marissa snapped, and I lowered my gaze again..

Slaves had existed when my father was on the throne, but it wasn't this bad. My father couldn't let go of the old ways, but it seemed that Gabriel took it even further. I could see the fear in many eyes each time I risked a glance up. I could clearly tell who was starving to death and who was living the life of luxury under Gabriel's rule.

What was the point of overthrowing a kingdom if you were going to treat its people like dirt? What was the point of being a ruler if you didn't want to make life as enjoyable as possible for your people? Everyone deserves a comfortable and happy life, not only the powerful. My father had always stressed to my young mind that there was much that I didn't understand, but it had always sounded like an excuse.

"You need to calm down. Now."

As Marissa spoke I realized my hands were shaking. Another glance up showed me that a few people had started to look over at us, including a couple of large men in black guard uniforms. Of course Gabriel had guards casually patrolling the streets.

"We're almost there."

I nodded and did not look up for the rest of the walk. It was too much, the result of a cruel king and a cowardly princess. Which would I prefer as my leader? Someone evil, ruling with a brute strength that warded enemies off, but caused suffering, or someone weak, who couldn't even be bothered to fight for her beliefs?

We soon arrived at a small house. It was more of a shack, if I was being honest, constructed from wood, and large enough for maybe two people. I raised an eyebrow as she knocked.

"Who's there?" A man's voice replied.

"Let us in, and we can talk."

I raised my other eyebrow at her dismal people skills. The voice laughed. "I don't think so lady. We don't let in anyone we don't know here. No one's that dense. You new here?."

"I do not have time for this," Marissa snapped. "Where is Sonya."

"Sonya's out. Feel free to wait out there for her."

"Who are you?"

The voice paused and chuckled again. "Lady, ya can't just come to someone's house, not introduce yourself, and ask who lives here." I was inclined to agree with him.

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