Chapter 1

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"Sir." a deep voiced man said, bowing as he stood in front of his boss.

Fukuzawa turned in his seat and faced the man who stood in his doorway, Kunikida, his most trusted partner. Kunikida placed a file onto his desk then waited.

"So this is the place we're busting into?" asked Fukuzawa, placing the papers down. Kunikida nodded, providing information on the people involved. "Good work. Round up the raid unit, not the gun raid unit."

"Shall we give them a time?" he asked.

"They'll know once you tell them." said Fukuzawa, sending Kunikida out.

Fukuzawa sighed before taking out a piece of candy and popping it in his mouth. He relished in the spicy taste before ringing for Kunikida to come back in with a raspberry lemonade. He ate another, completely unbothered by the spiciness. He figured he'd take part in the raid himself, get out and enjoy the world a bit. Kunikida came back in with a bag full of raspberry lemonade, causing Fukuzawa to chuckle.

"I wasn't sure what brand you preferred, so I bought two of each brand." said Kunikida, setting them up on his desk.

"Honestly, have I ever told you how much I love and appreciate everything you do?" said Fukuzawa, taking a bottle and opening it to drink.

"A few times. A phrase I wouldn't mind hearing over and over again." replied Kunikida, smiling gleefully.


Fukuzawa sat in the car as his unit prepared to storm the building. He gave the signal, sending all of his men in. He got out of the car, deciding to look around outside for anything of interest. Kunikida joined him by his side, wanting to protect him despite him being capable enough on his own. Faint shouts could be heard from inside the building. Fukuzawa noticed a garage behind the building. He gestured to Kunikida who searched it before deeming no way inside without prying it open with a crowbar or using a remote of some sort.

"I figured it might come in handy. Go fetch it from the trunk." said Fukuzawa, wondering what they were hiding behind the metal sheet.

Kunikida came back with the crowbar and started to pry at it. It slowly opened before finally giving way. They pushed it open and saw a car sitting inside. It was pretty brand new. Kunikida started searching it, unprompted by Fukuzawa. They both looked as they heard a thump.

"Trunk?" Kunikida whispered.

Fukuzawa nodded. They moved over to the trunk then pried it open. They stepped back in fear at the sight before them. It yawned, it's ears twitching and tail swishing from side to side. It looked up at them before it narrowed its eyes.

"Kunikida..." Fukuzawa whispered. They shared a look. "Run."

They started to run but it gave no chase. It quietly settled back into sleep. Fukuzawa turned around and saw it wasn't coming after them. He quietly walked back over to it, carefully inspecting it without touching it. He's heard of them before but never thought they actually existed. He slowly reached out to touch it then drew back as it looked straight at him as if it would rip him apart the moment his finger came in contact with him.

"What are you." Fukuzawa said, seeing he'd get answers if he was direct.

He heard police sirens and saw his men dragging out people. He looked back at it then steeled his nerves. He wasn't going to leave something well sought out for a nobody to find.

"Look, I'm taking you with me whether you like it or not." said Fukuzawa, extending both hands.

He could see its tail standing straight up. He couldn't waste any more time. He picked it up in his arms then winced as it started biting into his shoulder. Kunikida came back and covered him with a blanket, hiding the creature. He could feel blood dripping from his shoulder as he got into the car. Kunikida took off as Fukuzawa removed the blanket. His shoulder was getting redder. He let go of it then finally felt the full brunt of it's handiwork.

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