Chapter 10

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Sogo yawned then found himself staring at a partially exposed chest. He tried pulling away but his hold on him was tight. He looked up and saw he was experiencing discomfort. He thought hard on it before gently licking his face.

"Please... I can't..." Fukuzawa whispered, his grip on Sogo's back tightening. The discomfort on his face continued to grow. "Take me... you..."

Sogo frowned, licking his face more before resorting to biting. Fukuzawa shouted before sitting up with a start. Sogo sat up as well, rubbing his ears.

"I must've hurt you with that shout... My apologizes." apologized Fukuzawa before getting out of bed.

Sogo jumped out of bed and landed in front of him. He wasn't going to let him go that easy.

"You're talking in your sleep. And why did you shout?" he asked, backing Fukuzawa back onto the bed.

"Nightmare. I was falling." said Fukuzawa with a frown.

"Liar. Who says 'take me' while they're falling? I told you my story, now tell me yours." demanded Sogo.

"Look, I have important things to do and you have work to do around the place. I suggest you freshen up and eat." said Fukuzawa, pushing him aside and leaving the room.

Sogo sighed heavily, wondering why he even bothered. It wasn't any of his business why the old man was pleading and shouting in his sleep. It was probably what crazy old men did when they got old.


Sogo discreetly asked around for information on Fukuzawa's past, but no one seemed to know. His last resort was Kunikida, but knowing him he'd keep silent just like his love life. He put the clean dishes away before going over to help with cooking.

"Actually we're pretty good here. Why don't you go check in with the tailors?" they said with a smile.

Sogo made his way to the tailors' room and saw they were making a new design. They warmly greeted him once his presence was noticed.

"Do you need any help?" he asked, looking at the pins and fabric.

"Not really, but feel free to stay and work on your shirt." they responded, sticking another pin in.

Sogo took them up on the offer. The shirt was nearly done. He had altered it some, making it for Ranpo instead. He planned to make a quilt next for him as the days continued to grow colder.

"Hey, would either of you happen to know when Fukuzawa's birthday is?" he asked.

"Not really... Try asking someone who's been longer." one answered, sticking in a pin.

Sogo finished up the shirt before going to find Kunikida. He searched high and low before realizing he wasn't on the premises. Would asking the old man directly be a wise choice? He could imagine his responses, all of them being negative. It was then he thought of Shoyo. He had to know.

Sogo found him relaxing on the roof. Shoyo groaned while sitting up.

"Fukuzawa wants to see me?" he asked, packing up his snacks.

"No. I just had a question." said Sogo before asking.

"Birthday? January 10th. I never took you as the type to care about a human's birthday." said Shoyo, amused by this turnout. "Weren't you all 'anti-human'?"

"It's none of your business." Sogo said as he climbed down from the roof.

"I won't tell anyone." Shoyo shouted before snickering.

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