Chapter 14

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On Christmas day...

Sogo rubbed his eyes and looked at the bed across from him. Ranpo lied motionless as always. He had secretly looked through Fukuzawa's recently obtained files in search of an answer to his problem from before. He didn't like the answer he had found. He was in heat like Ranpo was ages ago. He was managing to last without having his problem solved, but he could feel he was steadily losing his sanity. Fukuzawa entered the room, wondering why Sogo hadn't come out to eat.

"Hey, are you feeling unwell?" asked Fukuzawa, drying his hands on the apron he wore.

"I'm fine. I'll come eat you, soon. I mean soon." said Sogo, hiding under his sheets.

"Okay...?" replied Fukuzawa, closing the door.

Sogo groaned, completely at his desire's mercy. It took everything within him to keep himself from pouncing on Fukuzawa. He was going to go crazy. He was thankful that he would be leaving soon to go visit family and spend time with them. Within that time he'd find a solution of relieving himself without Fukuzawa's help.

Sogo quietly sat at the table, a plate of food waiting to be devoured. He slowly ate, the food briefly taking his mind off of the need to pounce on the man sitting across from him.

"Sogo, I have something to tell you." said Fukuzawa before putting food in his mouth. "I'm staying here for Christmas. You'll be alone and you'd want company."

"Yes! I mean, no! Go see family! I'm begging you, please." said Sogo, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Eh? Are you sure...? I really don't mind-" he said but Sogo once more told him he'd be fine. "You know, I think I am going to stay. I can see them another time. This is your first Christmas after all."

Sogo internally sighed, hoping he could survive the day as he looked for a different solution. He quickly finished his breakfast and joked himself up in the room with Ranpo. Just looking at Fukuzawa drove him wild. He paced around the room, needing to head into his office for the information he sought. His plan was simple. Run out, grab the file and run back into the room. The moment he unlocked the door Fukuzawa was waiting.

"Perfect. Let's go exchange gifts." said Fukuzawa, grabbing him by the wrist.

Sogo resisted the temptation to bite him. He just had to keep his mind empty. That's all there was to it. Fukuzawa sat him down on the floor as he pulled out three gifts for him. Sogo opened them up, having received clothing, books and a new necklace.

"A new necklace...?" he asked, looking it over.

"It doesn't have a tracker in it." said Fukuzawa, leaning in close to take the one he was wearing off. "So you don't have to worry about being watched. I trust you."

Sogo kept him from fully taking it off. Fukuzawa gave him a confused look.

"I don't mind it anymore. It now gives me comfort to know that you'll be able to find me if something were to happen." replied Sogo, his hands tightly holding Fukuzawa's.

He quickly let go, afraid of what could happen after. He hooked the necklace then gave him a happy smile.

"I'm assuming you didn't get me a gift." said Fukuzawa, not really expecting much.

"I did! The file I stole. You really wanted it so, I got it. An early Christmas gift." said Sogo, his tail showing his glee.

"Really? Wow, I never took you as the thoughtful type. Thank you, Sogo." said Fukuzawa, giving him a genuine smile.

Sogo nodded before taking off with said files and heading upstairs. He locked himself in the room. Naturally Fukuzawa would think something was wrong, but he could easily shoo him away. He started reading, unable to skim in fear of missing vital information.

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