Chapter 2

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Fukuzawa walked into the building with Kunikida trailing behind him as always. He pushed the doors open then stood with his hands folded behind his back.

"Mr. Fukuzawa has arrived." said Kunikida.

The person turned in their seat, drumming their fingers against each other. They suddenly slammed their hands against the desk as they stood up.

"You took out my men." she said, rather angry at that fact.

"Don't worry, they'll get out in a few years. You? Can't say the same." said Fukuzawa, popping a spicy candy into his mouth.

"Excuse me? Are you eating candy while we're having a serious discussion?" she asked in disbelief.

"I believe this conversation isn't all that serious, miss. I simply came here to tell you to turn yourself in and plead guilty. Your sentence will be reduced a few years." said Fukuzawa, letting out a tired sigh.

Fukuzawa didn't flinch as she pulled out a gun and pointed it at his head. Kunikida was prepared to shoot as well.

"Down, Kunikida. She won't shoot me." said Fukuzawa, walking towards her.

"I can and will!" she yelled.

Fukuzawa was already in front of her, disarming her and tossing the gun behind him. She blinked rapidly before seeing he had seized her hand.

"Now will you cooperate?" he asked, starting to twist her hand.

"Yes, yes!" she squeaked, feeling immense pain in her wrist.

He gave her smile and started to lead her out of the company. Kunikida emptied her pockets, finding a pocket knife on her. She sucked her teeth, her backup plan having been destroyed.

"You must know this isn't my first rodeo. When you've been alive as long as I have, you learn things." he said, proceeding to snap her wrist.

She cried out in pain as Fukuzawa tossed her to the police.

"Your work is phenomenal as always yet brutal. You'd end up like her and many others if it weren't for the chief giving you special permission to operate." said the inspector to Fukuzawa.

"Pays to have connections in high places doesn't it?" said Fukuzawa before walking off with Kunikida.

"We'll send you information for any other cases." said the inspector before frowning. "He's the shadiest out of all of them..."

Kunikida closed the door then got into the driver's seat.

"Back to our base of operations?" Kunikida asked.

"No. I'm feeling a little adventurous today. Take me to... that bridge." said Fukuzawa, sitting back in his seat.

"Are you sure? It doesn't exactly hold good memories." said Kunikida, already driving there anyway.

"It's a good day to reminisce is it not?" he asked, looking at Kunikida.

Kunikida remained silent, knowing it was a trick question.


Kunikida pulled over and Fukuzawa got out, taking in the sight of the body of water before him. It wasn't often that Fukuzawa wanted to be anywhere near this particular bridge. It was a horrible day for their organization.

"What's Shoyo's update about Sogo?" Fukuzawa asked, walking over to the edge.

"Sir, I respectfully ask that you step back." said Kunikida, pulling him back.

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