How You First Met (Different)

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Number 42: How You First Met (Different)

Harry: You were in the arena early. Like 2:00 P.M. early. It was for the concert though. You were walking around after finding the bathroom. Suddenly, you felt like you were being followed. You turned around to see no one. Once you took a deep breath, something grabs your legs.

Immediately, you caught a little girl with blonde hair. As you bent down, you asked her, "Are you okay?" She smiled and hugged you.

"Lux! Lux," you heard an all to familiar voice yell.

You looked down and realized that the little girl was in fact, the infamous Lux. She grabbed your hand and pulled you behind some crates as you both watched Harry, Harry Flacking Styles who had his back to you, look around for Lux.

"Lux babe, where are you?" His deep British accent gave you chills down your spine. It took you everything in your power not to fangirl right then and there.

After Harry walked away, you saw Lux's eyes shutting slowly as her breathing relaxed. You put her on your hip as she laid her head on your shoulder. You smiled to yourself. Even if you didn't get to meet Harry, you got to hold the most famous baby girl next to him. And that was enough for you.

Right as you turned the corner, someone bumped into you, making Lux squeeze you tightly. Before you knew it, you had your finger to the stranger's lips, harshly whipsering, "Sh! She's asleep . . ." you looked up to see green eyes and curly hair.

You gulped.

Harry smiled at you.

Zayn: "Ugh! How dare he! He's the once who's always controlling. He's the one who's always wanting to stay home. He's the one who's too damn stubborn to help with anything," you ranted on angrilyasd you walked down the street.

"And yet he calls me controlling, lazy, and coincided? Oh, hell no! I'm the one who always works their ass off. I'm the one who's always goes out and shops for dinner, let alone cook it. I'm the one who had to do everything! He's such a- such a-" you tried to find the right word to use for your useless ex-boyfriend.

"A no good, half a man, dipshit who deserves a good kick in the ass!" You kicked a rocked with your feet, giving away all your might out of anger.

"If anything," you whisper as you whip away tears. "I should've broken up with him . . ." just then, it starts raining. You look up at the sky tears leading in your eyes, blurring your vision.

"What else is it that I "so-called" deserved?" You users his words from earlier that day. You looked up at the dark grey sky a few more minutes before you started to silently cry to yourself once again and looked down at the sidewalk beneath your moving feet.

You hugged yourself as tight as you could, the sweater you were wearing was doing nothing good for you now and slugged down the cold pavement. You saw all the other couples holding each others hands as you walked down the street, most ruining to get out of the storm and rain.

After a few more pieces, your leg trips in a muddy puddle, making to land on your hands and knees. You just couldn't take it anymore. You look at yourself in the reflection of the dirty water and smacked at it. Tears steamed at your face and down into the watered puddle below.

Sounds and chokes ripped from your throat as you go to stand back up, just to call back down in the muddy water on your knees again. "What's the use? I don't have a reason anymore," you say silently to yourself as the storm clouds continued on, as if they felt your pain. Your shoulders slouch as more water from the sky drenches you more and more.

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