The Morning After

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Allura gasped as she awoke. She was back in her apartment and in her bed. What, what happened last night? She couldn't remember, and she had a killer headache.

"Morning babe." At the unfamiliar voice, she sat up and looked to her side to see an unfamiliar young man. He looked younger than her, though in his twenties. He was pale, with longish raven black hair, and blueish-violet eyes. No doubt, he was hot. Especially since he was only wearing a white shirt, and boxers! Allura blushes.

"That was some night huh?" He said with a sexy flirty smirk. Allura blinked, but then noticed that she was naked underneath the blanket, as the night before flashed into her mind.


"Marriage? It's really just a "tradition" when you think about it. Seriously, why do people want to be tied down like that? As long as two people are together and happy, does it really matter? Isn't it best to be free?" The raven-haired boy said. He had come into the club and sat down with Allura and they were talking. Allura had just taken a gulp of her drink as she listened to the boy across from her.

"I'm honestly surprised." She admitted. The boy tilted his head cutely. The woman sighed. "You know how it is, most girls my age are actually scared into getting married before they turn thirty. Heck, my father has said himself that "I'm not getting any younger". Like he needs to remind me. Basically, he's saying I need to get hitched before hitting the big "three and zero". It's kind of refreshing, hearing you say all that." She admits.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it. You know, you're pretty interesting." He says.

"Oh, thank you. No has, really said something like that to me." Allura says while gentle tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"I find that hard to believe." The boy said and suddenly he was next to her. He smirks at her then down his drink, quite sexily might I add. Allura couldn't help but stare. The boy then notices. "What is it?" He asked, and Allura frantically looks away in embarrassment. Suddenly the boy leans over and takes Allura in his arms. "Like what you see?" He asked teasingly. Allura couldn't respond. Suddenly, his lips were on hers. "Mmm..." The boy said as he backed away. "You taste sweet." He says.

-Flashback End-

"Oh, no. No, no, no. This is bad!" Allura panicked. Oh, lord, she can't believe she was so drunk that she went with another guy, and one who was clearly younger than her! She grabbed her head, tussling her hair in frustration. How could she be do this?!

"Hey," The boy said getting her attention. He sat on the bed and handed her a mug of coffee. "This should help with the hangover." He said. Allura took the mug carefully and drank the coffee, it was surprisingly good.

"Oh! Uh! Thank you." She admitted. It was actually helping her feel better. "Um... uhh..." She mumbled.

"What do you not remember me?" The boy asks. "Oh yeah, you were pretty drunk last night. Come to think of it, I didn't actually tell you my name." He admitted. Seriously?!

"This was a bad idea then!" Allura exclaimed and the boy looked at her. "I mean, we just met, and you admitted we don't know each other's names so..." She trailed off, not sure what to say.

"...Keith." The boy suddenly said.

"What?" The woman asked.

"My name is Keith." He replied. "Allura," He said her name as he leaned in close, having set his own coffee on the counter. "Look, I don't want you to get the wrong idea, okay sweetheart. I don't just sleep around willy-nilly. I came here because I like you." He says as he leans more. "You know, you're really beautiful." He says. "Oh crap!" He suddenly exclaims and backs up.

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