Chapter 3

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The worst part about the dark realm is its feeling. It's a feeling I can't quite describe its like death almost. Everywhere we go we have the sense of pure evil just everywhere. It feels like people are staring at us.

    "Guys we should head into the tavern to

figure out where Darkravon is." Blaze said.
So we did we went into a small tavern that was kinda of crowded. As soon as we stepped the whole place went silent and everybody stared at us. We went up to the bar and took a seat and ordered some food. Suddenly everyone stopped staring at us and there eyes devered behind us. The tavern bell on the door rang. We turn to see 2 heavily armoured assassins from Darkravon's guild known as The A.A.T.D or The Assassins Among The Dark.

    "Psst aren't those some of Darkravon's assassins?" Frost asked.
"Yeah they are looks like trouble." Fang replied.
The 2 assassins scanned the room and one noticed me staring.
"Hey! You who are you?" One of them asked.
I didn't respond.
"Hey he's talking to you." The other one replied grabbing my shoulder.

Just then Fang turned into a wolf and bit down onto his arm.

    "Gah!" he yelled in pain.
"I knew it it's those brats trying to kill Darkravon!" The other yelled.
"Oh what you miss your daddy?" He laughed.
Blaze then snapped and blew fire in his face.
"Ah! Oh that's it you're gonna get it now you littl-." He managed.

Before he could answer frost touched his chest plate and he turned to ice. The other assassin was still standing. I sighed and sped in front of him and grabbed him by his shirt.

    "Where is he!?" I yelled.
"I-I don't..know man I swear!" He replied.
"Don't lie to me!" I said grabbing his bite wound and electrocuting him
"GAAAH!" He screamed.
"OK OK! I'll talk" He said
"He's in the dark forest he set up camp there just a few days ago. It's just east of this tavern. Now please let me go!" He screamed.
"Sure thing and thanks by the way." I said knocking him out.
"Guys lets go." I said chugging the bit of whiskey i had left.

We get to the edge of the forest and could sense his presence just a few miles into the woods. They say he has the strength of 100 men and he is so evil you can see the darkness remediating from his. The feeling makes me sick. As we entered the dark woods I tripped a wire and a knife came flying towards my face but manage to catch it just before it hit me.

    "Look out for traps." I said.

We walked for ages when we finally came to a camp site. There was a small fire burning with a tent and other supplies lying around.

"Guys this is it." Fang said.
"Why yes it is." Said a raspy voice.

We all turned around to see him walking in from among the trees.

    "Uncle why did you do it?..." asked Blaze.
     "Do what?" Asked Darkravon with a grin.
    "WHY DID YOU KILL YOUR OWN BROTHER!" Frost said drawing back an arrow.
    "I did it because he doesn't deserve to rule the A.O.T.S! I should our father should've given it to me!" Yelled Darkravon.
    "So you killed out jealousy?! You dad was right don't deserve the A.O.T.S!" I yelled.

Just then Darkravon summoned his Scythe and the battle broke out. I threw lighting he dodge it. He slashed back I dodged that.

"Wolf fang slash!" Yelled Fang.
"Blizzard!" Yelled Frost
"Bonfire!" Yelled Blaze.
After a while of fighting we all stopped to try to catch our breath.
"There isn't a scratch on him!" Pointed out Blaze.
"He was right there wasn't a single scratch, mark or anything. He was just standing there smiling.
"Guys we gotta do it." Fang said looking at me.
"What that! I don't think I have enough magical energy for that." Said Frost.
"Try!" Fang replied.

I stood up and started to charge a lightning ball. Fang ran over and started giving me the remainder of his magical energy. My lightning ball turned purple. Blaze came over and did the same now the ball was purple and on fire. Frost then drew back an arrow. Darkravon charged.

"Hahaha you fools you can't defeat a god!" He said.
"Oh yeah Four element shot!" I yelled throwing the magical ball of energy towards him.
"Frost now!" Fang yelled.
Frost then released his arrow.
"Piercing Shot!" He yelled.

The arrow hit the ball and exploded,debris flying everywhere. I blacked out.

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