Chapter 4

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The dream began with a city of flames, Children screaming and people dying. I was powerless i couldn't stop the fire from burning down my home. The place where children and families are supposed to feel safe because of me but i failed them just then i heard a familiar voice.
"Bolt! get up" said the voice.
I turned to see my father running towards me.
"Dad!?" I said
But it wasn't me who responded it was my past self. Watching in horror as his home burned. Then I remembered this is the day my father was killed.
"Go find Frost and Aqua and try to put out these flames!" Said Nitroeon
"On it! But what are you gonna do?" I asked
"I'm going to kill the man who did this...." he replied.
"Darkravon must be stopped". He said as he walked away.
"No don't go! Take me with you!" I called out but there was no hope I couldn't save him.
I awoke with a start the forest of darkness was in flames my siblings out cold. All that was left of Darkravon was ash and a puddle of blood.
"Fang wake up." I said
He woke up with a wince.
"Did we beat him?" He asked.
"Yeah we did." I said.
We woke up the others and slowly walked back to Vinivila. As we walked through the mystic forest almost home. I thought about dad. I miss him a lot. Then suddenly I stopped in my tracks.
    "Bolt? What's wrong?" Frost asked.
    "Come on! Meet me at dads casket!" I said as I speeded towards it.
I ran faster than I have ever ran and suddenly I was there. I flipped opened the casket and there he was looking so peaceful. Fang and the others finally caught up.
    "What are you doing?!" Said Blaze.
    "He's gone Bolt we can't change that." Said Fang.
    "We have to try!" I yelled.
    "Now give me the rest of your magical energy right now!"
They did what they where told and I created a lightning bolt full of magical energy and a little bit of life source.
    "I'm sorry dad..." I said as I shoved the lightning bolt into his chest creating powerful sparks and aces energy. The lightning bolt then vanished into nothing and there was silence.
    "No...NO! Why didn't it work!?" I said beginning to cry.
Then someone grabbed me by the shoulder.
    "Thank you." Said a voice
I look up to see my father with his warm smile.
    "Dad!?" I yelled giving him a hug.
    "You've grown strong Bolt." He said.
My brothers where all silent and looking down at the ground.
   " Whats wrong boys? Give your old man a hug!" He said.
We all celebrated my fathers return and went to The A.O.T.S for some food. Now this was just the beginning. Little did I know that's happiness wouldn't last long.
                              The End


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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