Chapter 7

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The door opens and a man comes in.  

I feel Zayn sigh in relief beside me.  

The man appeared to be blurry and I couldn't seem to get my eyes to focus.  

"How long has it been?" The man asks Zayn who was pressing a cloth down on my injury. I begged him to stop because of the pain, but he never listened to me.  

"I don't know. We didn't know that she was bleeding, or had even been shot until we got back. But it's been about 25-35 minutes since we found out," Zayn tells him.  

The man comes towards me and Zayn tells me that he was the family doctor and that his name was Josh. 

Josh started looking at my wound and I closed my eyes only to have Zayn nudge me and I opened them. My eyelids were starting to get really heavy and I desperately wanted some sleep.  

"She's lost a lot of blood," he says and I cry out in pain as he cleaned the wound and let's out a low whistle. "It's very deep. I need to get the bullet out though." Josh reached for his tweezers and I start to panic. I tried to move, but Zayn held me down.  

"Carter, we're helping you," Zayn says to me, but I still struggle to get free. "Carter, you need to stay still." His grip tightens and was cutting off my blood circulation. I stopped struggling so he could loosen his insane grip.  

"Alright, it's in there pretty good. I'll try and get it out as painlessly as possible," Josh says. 

I close my eyes and a tear runs down my cheek. Zayn's hand wipes it away and I whimpered as I felt an object loosening from my wound and it burned. I yelled in pain and more tears fell from my eyes.  

"I got it!" Josh announced. "Now, I need to stitch her up." 

My eyes shot open once he said that. Zayn chewed on his bottom lip. "Carter, you're going to need to be very still for this," he tells me.  

I prayed that someone would hit me and knock me out, but no one did.  

I cry out in pain when I felt a fabric go through my skin and my skin tighten as he pulled the wound closed.  

Tears were falling more rapidly down my face. I've never been in so much pain before in my life. I was probably better off not knowing about my wound.  

A forehead was pressed against mine and my eyes open once again. Zayn's forehead was pressed against mine, our noses touching, and I could feel his breath on my lips.  

I knew what he was trying to do.  

He was trying to distract me.  

I tried to focus on him, but it's not exactly easy when a person is stitching up your leg.  

I feel him wipe away more tears and I'm confused on why Zayn suddenly cares so much about me. I whimper again and he caresses my cheek. He looks down at my wound, which was burning, and I still desperately wanted sleep. 

"I'm done, but she's lost a lot of blood," Josh states.  

Zayn stands up straight since the painful stuff was over now and I wanted to bring him back to me.  

"You can go to sleep now," Zayn tells me. "But what about her blood loss?" He asked Josh.  

"It's not enough blood loss to be fatal, but she's going to be lightheaded for a while," Josh mutters to Zayn, but I don't catch the rest because I'm already asleep.


Okay, I'd like to say thank you for reading this story so far! You guys are absolutely incredible (as Harry would say) so I felt like you guys deserved a new chapter for getting the views up. Keep it up! Love you guys! 

Comment, Vote, Fan!!! 

-Abby :) xx

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