Chapter 19

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***Listen to A Thousand Years by Chrisitna Perri as you read this***

Everybody starts to scramble around.

Danielle and Eleanor back away from Rita as she scrambles to her feet. Liam and Louis also start scrambling to get away.

"Carter! Come on! Now!" Zayn holds his hand out towards me.

I look back down at a hurting Harry and notice his gang leaving him.

I notice the pool of blood that was surrounding him.

The scene was all too familiar to me.

Three police cars are here.

Harry's gang was long gone, leaving him behind.

I don't feel sympathy. I don't feel remorse. I feel grief and pain. Not physical pain, emotional pain because this was all too much.

"Carter! Come with me now!" Zayn howls at me and I could hear the fear in his voice.

I notice a body get out of the police car and see that it was Paul.

"Carter, please. Let's go!" He begged. I wanted to take his outstretched hand and run, but I was still struck by shock and grief.

"Zayn," I whisper, "it happened again."

He looks at me confused then looks back at the cops.

"Carter! Carter, stay there!" Paul shouts once he notices me.

I don't know what Zayn was thinking, but he grabs my hand and runs. I try hard not to fall, but my legs were too weak.

"Leave her!" Paul shouts and gun shots were sounded.

I stop and turn to look at Paul and Zayn turns around with me.

"Stop!" I cry out.

The gun shots didn't cease to exist and I suddenly hear a cry from Zayn and turn to look at him just to see him fall to the ground.

As soon as he hit the ground, my heart stopped.


Zayn was shot.

I couldn't breathe.

In that moment, I wanted take back every time I yelled at him for ignoring me if that meant he wouldn't have been shot.

I shouldn't have gone against his rules. If I hadn't, Zayn would be okay right now and we could probably be cuddling in bed as he told me about the fight.

I drop onto my knees right beside him.

I hear the squealing of tires as the rest of our gang leaves.

They had to.

They had no choice.

I could see where Zayn was shot now. Right in his stomach. He's going to die. He's going to die. He's going to die.

I let out a loud, shrilling sob that I didn't even know I had in me.

"What did you do?!" I wail to Paul. "Zayn, don't leave me. Please baby, don't leave me." Tears were falling from my eyes and I saw his roll back into his head. "ZAYN!" I scream, but he doesn't open his eyes and grin at me.


I wouldn't lose another person.

Not this time.

I could feel Paul's presence beside me and I look at him and see that he was confused.

"He was my friend!" I wail again.

He touches my shoulder. "Car-"

"NO!" I scream and jerk away from him.

I fall onto Zayn's chest, sobbing, wishing that it was me that was shot, not him.

"Zayn, please, don't leave me! Don't leave me..."

I can't breathe anymore. My mind was going fuzzy. I tried to catch my breath, but I couldn't. I kept gasping for air in between my sobs.

"Guys, get over here!" Paul instructs the other officers.

The men pull me away from Zayn, keeping a tight and firm grip on my arms.

"NO! STOP!" I let out another blood curling scream. "NO! ZAYN!" I scream even louder.

Zayn's lips were starting to turn blue. The men let go of me and I try to run back to Zayn, but I collide with Paul. Paul embraces me while I screamed. I lose my balance and fall to the ground, screaming and sobbing, having a panic attack.

That's when I notice them trying to save Harry.

"Let him die!" I scream and hit the already injured Harry.

That's when I realize that I was soaked in Zayn's blood.

"Carter," Paul uses his strength to keep me from pouncing on Harry or running to Zayn.

I hear two ambulances and see EMT's running to Zayn and Harry with gurneys. They try to stop Zayn's bleeding and try to stop Harry's, but I could care less for Harry. I kept my attention on Zayn.

They lift him on the gurney and into the ambulance.

"ZAYN!" I scream.

Paul has had enough and uses all his strength and puts me in the police car and locks me in there.

I bang on the windows, screaming and crying for Zayn.

Paul gets into the driver's seat and begins to drive away while I carry on screaming, shouting, crying, wailing, and sobbing.


Happy Thanksgiving eveyone!

Here's a little something for all of you because I'm extremely thankful for you guys reading my story. You guys are just awesome!

Now, some bad news. There are only 4 more chapters left of this story and I have them all written out. So, my guess would be that this story will be finished on Sunday. Thank you all for reading this. It means a lot to me :)

Comment, Vote, Fan!!!

-Abby xx

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