Chapter 10

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~Zayn's POV~

Carter is finally sound asleep, but I'm stroking her hair just in case she wakes up in pain again. I've listened to her yelp and cry ever since Josh had taken the bullet out.

Her hair is drenched in sweat, but it didn't make her any less beautiful.

I'm terrified to say that I care for her, but there was just something about her.

The way she looked at people, I wanted to be able to read her, if only she'd let me. Instead, she just puts a smirk on her face. She's some what a female version of me.

I should've never let her into this gang. That was a huge mistake.

It was a mistake giving her the tattoo. It was a mistake caring for her. It was a mistake letting her in all together.

That's why... she's not going to stay in this gang.

But she's already grown on me.

I barely know her, the only thing I know is her name and the fact that she's always with an officer, yet she tries to convince me that she's a badass.

I didn't believe her until the day of the fight. I wouldn't have the nerve to go kill someone face to face like she did.

I watch her sleep and hear her breathing softly. She sleeps so beautifully.

Maybe I could keep her for just a few more days. Just a few more, then I'll tell her that she needs to leave. It wouldn't be safe for her to stay here. Yeah, that sounds good. I'll keep her for a few more days or a couple of weeks, but I can't tell the rest of the gang about my plan.

I just can't fall in love.

I'm in a lethal gang. My "partner" could get hurt. That's why they won't find out what I'm thinking about Carter.

It won't hurt anyone.

All I want is a few more days to breathe in her scent, watch her sleep, study her face, listen to her voice... Oh god, I'm starting to sound like those guys in romance novels.

I'm supposed to be bad, but it seems impossible to do that when I'm with Carter. She brings the good out of me, which is pretty ironic considering the fact that we're both bad people.

I find myself falling asleep and when I wake up, Carter isn't beside me. She wasn't even in the room.

I could hear low talking outside and recognized her voice.

I rub my eyes and get up and walk out of the room.

I see that Louis and Liam are up and look around the room until my eyes find Carter. She's next to Danielle and Eleanor and she was walking around, on her injured leg.

She notices me and smiles brightly at me, but I don't return it. I'm still confused on how I feel towards her.

I'm mad that she even came here in the first place. I'm angry that she even had the decency to even think about joining us, but I feel complete with her around. I just want to hold her.

I wonder what it would be like if she was mine.

Her smile slowly fades away and she looks at me confused.

I cross my arms. "It was a mistake letting you be here, Carter," I say, completely forgetting about the whole 'keep her for a few more days' thing. Now everyone's eyes were on me. "Go home."

"I can't," she says, but it comes out as a whisper.

"Go home," I repeat more sternly.

"But I got the tattoo-"

"I don't fucking care about the tattoo. You shouldn't be here! Now, go! You almost cost us our lives!" That was a lie. I meant to say 'You almost cost us YOUR life' but I didn't dare to say it.

"Zayn, come on-" Danielle starts off calmly.

"Shut the fuck up, Danielle," I glare at her and she timidly backs away, clearly intimidated. "Get the fuck out of here, Carter." And, as if on cue, the radio turns to a commercial and we listen to it in silence.

"There's been a report on a missing young lady by the name of Carter Mace. She has dark hair, brown eyes, is skinny, and she's 17," the reporter says and continues talking about Carter and how her family misses her.

Carter scoffs at the radio and shakes her head, then looks back at me.

"Carter, just get the fuck out of here. I won't tell you again," I repeat menacingly.

Carter stomps to the door, gives me one last look, and slams it shut behind her.


Hey, how are you guys? Who has seen the Little Things music video? My friends and I kept screaming whenever the boys would look into the camera. I'm an emotional wreck. I have major Zayn and Harry feels.


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-Abby :) xx

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