Talk to Me

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James came home from his 6th year with one thing on his mind, talking to Teddy.

He knew Teddy liked him as well, he was just holding himself back from James for some reason.

"So where's Teddy?" James asked at dinner that night, trying to sound casual.

His mom and siblings laughed at his failed attempt, while his dad seemed oblivious and gave him an answer. "Oh, he's on a vacation for work."

James rolled his eyes.
The rest of June past rather quickly. James hung out with his friends and tried to do anything to distract himself from Teddy's absence.

Teddy came to visit on the 7th of July a couple of days after he had gotten home from his "work trip."

James failed miserably at his attempts to get Teddy alone. The metamorphagus avoided him like the plague and always made excuses to leave things early.

But when early August rolled around and therefore James' birthday, James had a plan.
"James," Teddy sighed finally being cornered by the persistent man. "I-"

"No, don't start," James says interrupting him. "I know you feel what I feel Teddy, you just won't admit it."

"And?" Teddy yelled startling the younger man. "E-even if, I had feelings for you, it's not like I could act on them. Do you know how wrong this is?"

James wasn't going down without a fight though, "Teddy I don't understand, you've already came out, nobody cares that you're pan and I'm not worried about telling them that I'm bi."

Teddy sighed softly, "that's not what I'm worried about James and you know it. We're practically brothers and I'm 6 years older than you and I feel like a complete creep."

"Teddy, I love you okay? More than I know I should. But do you honestly think that we should both have to repress our feelings because of other people? I'm tired of fighting Teddy. Let's talk about this. Talk to me. Tell me about all your fears and doubts and let me convince you otherwise.

"You deserve to be happy too and if you walk away right now we'll both be miserable. You don't deserve that and neither do I," James finished off, tearing up.

Teddy sighs sadly, "I can't." He says softly before apparating away.

Yes, this was very much inspired by that malec scene in 1x11 or 1x12, you know the one I'm talking about.

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