Chapter 7:Ravager

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Rose POV:
I go to sleep but i realize that Jason will be gone forever *Door knocks* "Rose its me Rachel can i come in"Rachel said "Yeah"I said "Hey what's wrong" Rachel said "Jason i miss him" I said "We all do" Rachel said "Yeah"I said "Well see you in the morning" Rachel said "Yeah good night" I said I close my eyes

The next day

Rachel POV:
I wake up I go to Roses room when I open the door she is not there  i leave the room I go to the living room "Have you seen Rose" I ask "No check her room" Gar said "I did she wasn't there" I said "Breaking News" News reporter said "A lady dressed in orange and blue is on a murdering rampage in downtown San Francisco be careful this is San Francisco news signing out" News Reporter said "We have to stop Rose"I said "We are not properly trained"Gar said "I know who to call" I said "What happened guys and where is Rose"Dick asks "Rose is downtown killing people" I said "She wants revenge" Dick said "Why"I said "For Jason's death" Dick said
"I'm gonna call Kori"I said "Why" Gar asked "To find Rose and stop her" I said

Meanwhile In Downtown San Francisco

Rose POV:
I use my sword to stab a man with his wife "Jason be proud of me" I said "Where are the Titans" Random Lady said "They wont be here they are too scared to face me" I said

Back at Titans Tower

Kori POV:
"Hey guys" I said "Kori we need your help" Dick said "What happened Grayson" I asked "Rose is killing everybody in San Francisco" Dick said "Well let's stop her" Kori said "Kori we need a plan" Dick said "My powers go a little bit to far when I fight" Rachel said "You need your demon training" I said "Leta go" I said "Bye Dick and Gar" Rachel said  "We'll be back" I said

Rose POV:
"My revenge is rising" I said

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