Chapter 10: Titans Vs Ravager

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The Titans got to Ravagers location and Dick said "Titans let's go". Rachel teleports to a top of a building then uses her powers to put Rose in a shield so she can't run away, Kori uses her powers to make a fire circle around Rachel's shield, Dick runs to Ravager and says "Rose stop this this isn't you", "You don't know me none of you do it was my plan all along", Rachel asks "Wait what plan?"
,"To destroy your life Rachel" Rose said "Wait why would you destroy my life?" "You will know when I'm done".

"That's not gonna happen" Kori said while starting to use her fire powers. She make a bigger fire wall and put Ravager and Rachel in it. "WHAT ARE TOU DOING??" Ravager yells "Time for you to pay" Kori said then looks at Rachel and says "Do it".

Rachel walks up to Ravager and says "I'm sorry that I had to do this but I have to" Rachel closes her eyes and then uses her powers to destroy Rose the power creates a huge storm. "What's happening?" Donna asks "Rachel's powers" Kori said "It's getting worse" Dawn said "Yeah" Kori said "Let's escort" Dick said

While the rest of the titans are escorting people away from the storm Rachel is close to killing Rose  her eyes turn black and she says in her demonic voice "SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE" then let's go of her powers and Rose is dead on the ground.

Rachel runs to Rose and "It's not over my daughter" said Rose then she disappeared "Rachel" Kori yelled "Wait where's Rose?" Kori asked "It wasn't her it never was her" Rachel said "Then who was that?" Kori asked "My father" Rachel said "Wait Trigon?" Kori asked "Yes" Rachel said Dick and Gar walk to Kori and Rachel "Guys Rose wasn't the one who was Ramping it was Trigon" Rachel said "Well where is he?" Gar asked "He disappeared" Rachel said "Well we need to find him" Kori said "Yeah" Rachel said

Sorry I haven't been updating the story but I'll try to lol and ty for 1k reads what 😸 I can't believe it tysm :) 💞

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