Chapter 9: The Plan

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Rachel POV:
"Rose" I asked "She is not here" Dick said "Dick What do you mean" Kori said "She is still on the run to destroy San Francisco" Dick said "So what do you think Rose is acting like this" I asked  "I think she wants to kill to reform herself from being forced to push Jason off a building" Kori said "But why would she kill innocent people" I asked "Everyone has their own therapy" Dick said "So what should we do" I asked "We have to make a plan" Dick said "So what is our plan" I asked  "I need to make a call first" Dick said *Calls Donna hank and dawn* "Guys come to the the titans tower quick" Dick said *hangs up* 

*One Hour Later*
Dick POV:
"Ok Titans we need a more plan to stop Rose" I said  "You mean Ravager" Gar said "What do you mean Gar" I asked "Look at the news" Gar said  "The Ravager as it calls itself is on the rampage everyone stay inside it might kill you someone please help us thanks for watching channel 5 news" The news lady said  "So how are gonna stop Ravager" Donna asked "Yea how Dick" Dawn asked "I think I can use my powers to weaken her and kill her" Rachel said "Rachel we are not killing Rose we are gonna direct her the right way" I said  "But she might kill us" Rachel said "We can pin point her location and attack then one of us will redirect her and there she is fixed" I said "Where is she now" Kori asked "Gar check Ravagers location" I said "Ok" Gar said

Rose POV:
"Hey you" I yell  at citizen "What get the fuck away from me" Citizen said "It's time to say your goodbyes" I said *Stabs citizen with sword*

Gar POV:
"Ok let's see where Ravager is" I said "Um Gar she just killed someone Downtown" Rachel said "I knew that" I said "Sure you did" Rachel said "Did you find Ravagers Location" Dick asked "Yes she is in downtown San Francisco" Rachel said "Ok" Dick said "Ok Titans it's time to defeat Ravager but first the plan" Dick said

Dick POV:
"First I'll be the first to attack Ravager then Rachel and Kori will distract Ravager so I can confront her and then Gar will help me with Ravager then Donna Dawn and Hank will escort anyone else and if she has backup" I said "Titans Go" I said

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