Chapter 13

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Satan's POV

I was in a cold dark room, the walls were made out of jagged concrete. It was so cold in here it caused even me to shiver in my skin. Water dripped off from the ceiling, creating small puddles on the floor. There was a tiny glass window no bigger than my head at the top of the wall, allowing the smallest of light to peak into the room. 

There was a filthy mattress lying on the floor and there was a sharp metal table in the middle of the room. I spotted my daughter huddled in the corner of the room, sitting on the mattress. Her eyes here their oringinal hazel, she looked so stiff like she hasn't moved in days. 

Her eyes were so emotionless, she looked like she was asleep with her eyes open. Which is almost near impossible to happen, even I've never been fully emotionless. I turned my head to face the door of the room as it squeaked open.

I growled seeing Mathew's smirking head look into the room and step inside. If only this wasn't her memories I would get the chance to kill this monster. Kate's gaze on fixed on my brother in law the whole time as he carried a bag into the room.

I watched cautiously as he placed the bag on the table and unzipped it. Kate didn't seemed fazed at all as Mathew brought out a handful of throwing knives. "How are you today Kate?" He asks and she chuckles.

"Just peachy" She says in the harshest tone I've ever heard her use, "So you're having a good day?" He asks with a smirk and she snarls at me. He chuckles and grins "Is someone still mad at me?" He said talking to her as if she was a baby. 

She glared at him not even bothering to reply, "Don't worry love I enjoyed every second of murdering your mate" He told her and she finally started to show emotion as her eyes watered over with tears. 

"You're sick" She spat out and Mathew chuckled, and all I could think about is how wrong he was. He lied to her about her family, just so that she would hate him even more and loss the meaning of life. 

 "Stand up" He ordered her and she obeyed standing up. He started throwing the knives up into the air and catching them afterwards. He faced her and grinned and I almost couldn't watch what happened next.

He threw one of the knives and it cut right into her thigh, it was stuck there and didn't move. I looked up to her face and she had no emotions on her face. "You're losing your touch Uncle" She tells him and he nods.

"Perhaps I should try something else" He tells her walking over and tearing the knife out of her thigh and walked back to the table. Blood poured out from her wound but she didn't flinch, no tears were shown and that shocked me.

How the hell can she not be screaming!? Mathew dug his hands into the bag again and this time he pulled out a black hand gun. Her eyes widened in fear and I visibly gulped, he switched off the trigger and before I realized he fired. 

I heard Kate gasp and she tried to bit down on her lip but she screamed out in pain. Mathew chuckled and nodded in approval, "So you're not immune to bullets yet" He says mainly to himself as he reloads the gun and aims at her again. 

"No!" She screams as he aims for her chest, "Please!" She begs him but he ignores her as he takes the fatal shoot to her heart. The gun goes off and she slams into the wall and slides down until she's sitting on the floor.

I'm almost in tears watching the murder of my child, but to my relief this isn't real. So she must be alive, otherwise I would never be able to be in this dream. Mathew smiles happily and walks over to Kate's move less body and he crouches down beside her.

I watch as he presses his fingers against her neck and checks for a pulse. I can't hear any other breathing or heartbeat apart from Mathew's and my own. She can't possibly be dead, it's physically impossible.

"What a shame, I could of used you" He mutters to himself standing up and leaving the room and Kate to lie on the floor. I watched with my heart pounding rapidly in my chest, I wait for any signs of movement but there's literally no movement at all. 

I was just up to the point where I considered she was actually dead, when her eyes flashed open. I gasped and staggered back at dark they were. They were bright blood red and the sign that her devil has taken over completely.

To my utter shock the red eyes never go away like their supposed to, meaning this is no longer my daughter but the devil side taking over. Cecelia coming back won't be the biggest problem as long as Wade's near, but what will be is the fact that Kate was murdered and we never knew it. 

In a second later I emerge from her dream, sweet pouring down my forehead. I turn to see Kate, she's no longer shaking because she is dead in the moment. I look back up at everyone else and their staring at me intensely. 

"What happened?" Luke asks and everyone peered down at me in curiosity. I wasn't sure if Kate wished to share such a horrific memories of her past. "It's not my place to say, but I well say that was the most scariest thing I've seen in my life" I tell them and they look at me startled.

"You live in hell, I'm sure you've seen worse" Joseph said and I sighed, "That is true but that was the most vile thing I have ever seen" I say and everyone stiffens, I stand up off the bed and exit the room leaving them to think to themselves. 

I still can't get her desperate begs or her lifeless body out of my mind. Surely she'll have scars all over her body, you can tell by the way she coped with the knives. She was used to the pain, so much that it didn't effect her at all. 

That or the thought of losing her mate, killed her heart entirely leaving her a emotionless/ feeling less devil....

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