Chapter 14

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When I woke up the room was empty, even Aiden wasn't in his crib. I peeled the hot covers off my body and realized I was still wearing my plain grey, white, and black plain outfit. I sighed hating the fact I have no clothes to change into.

Oh well, I thought to myself as I leap out of bed. I'm actually in a happy mood, which is oddly strange for me. I do a little snooping around the room and just by the scent of it, it's Wade's room without a doubt. Opening his draws I grab a small t-shirt and I walk into the small en-suite connecting to the room. 

My mouth hung open in delight as I stared at the most beautiful thing in the world. It was the smallest shower I have ever seen, but it was a shower! Do you know how long it was since my last proper shower? 6 months ago to be precise, you have no idea how filthy I am.

If I didn't wash myself in filthy rivers when I went on jobs, I'd still be covered in sweet from labour and still covered in blood. But my hair has never been washed, my legs are the hairiest alive and I smell so bad.

At least one day my stink got so bad Mathew bought me perfume, other than that I never got to bathe. I did have a shower at this motel, but the water was cold and I didn't manage to clean myself properly. I'm not sure how I managed to run to the shower without tripping over, but I managed it. 

I turned on the water and stripped off my clothes and chucking them on the floor. I jumped into the shower and yelped at how hot it was before turning it down. I moaned in delight at the old feeling of the water drizzling down your back.

I grabbed the dove soap bar, and scrubbed away the dirt at my feet. I stole a new razor from the cabinet and shaved everywhere I could see. My legs, arm, armpits, feet, toes were all hair free. Remind me to get a hair cut the next time I go to town, if I get to go to town at least.

I can only hope for a miracle that things can go back to as normal as possible. I washed my hair and I didn't care if it was Wade's manly shampoo, I was washing this hair! 

Wade's POV

Everyone's been tense since our eventful night, Satan been off. Whatever he saw has startled him to the point when he was speechless and excluded himself from us. I myself want to go upstairs and stay with my mate, but I'm a little terrified of what I could see. 

I can't even imagine how horrible the dream must of been, if even the devil himself was terrified of what he saw. Whatever it was it was worse than the dreams she used to have, she was physically shaking and it gave me goosebumps. 

Luke and Natalia where at the dining table looking over papers which I assume have something to do with the rogues. I find it weird that even though my mate attacked Natalia, she still gave me her support which I appreciated. 

Joseph and Ashley were talking in hushed voices on the couch, glancing over at me every few seconds. I began slightly curious about what they were talking about, it obviously involved me by the way they were looking at me. 

Ashley stood up off Joseph's lap and walks towards me and sits on the stool beside me. I turn to face her curiously and she smiles at me, "Listen" She tells me with a smile and I obey and strain my ears so I could listen.

I heard faint giggling from upstairs and shouting. I raise an eye brow at Ashley and she smiles, "Kate seems happy, I wonder why?" She asks confused and I catch onto what she was saying, she hasn't exactly been happy since she arrived so I wonder why she is now. 

"I'm going to go check on her" Ashley tells me jumping off the stool and running up the stairs heading towards my room. Everyone's eyes were on her confused about what she was doing, it was silent for a while before a heard voices.

"Hey Kate what's up?" Ashley asked and I hear more giggles coming from Kate, "Do you know what I just did?" Kate asks Ashley and I listen closely wanting to know why she was so excited. Ashley chuckled "What did you do Kate?" She asked in an accusing tone and I noticed how happy Ashley sounded talking to her step sister again. 

"I just had a shower!" Kate screamed jumping up and down and I'm confused, I have a shower like every day, what makes this motel shower so special. "And...?" Ashley trailed off in an confused voice and we all listened for my mate's reply. 

"I havn't had a proper shower since before Aiden was born and it felt amazing!" She gloats and I freeze, she hasn't had a shower in 6 months! "Gross" Natalia whispers and Luke scolds her with a frown, reminding her that she was kidnapped the whole time. 

A few seconds later Ashley comes down with a slight frown on her face. I feel so pained for my mate right now, I can't even imagine the conditions she's been in. But that dosn't mean I'm not still mad at the fact that she was out in public and didn't come looking for me!

Ashley sits beside me and gives me a soft smile, "She looked to overly excited, over a shower" She told me and I nodded, "I heard, do you think I should talk to her?" I ask and she nods, "Mates brighten everyone's mood" She tells me and I nod hoping off my chair and walking upstairs.

I reached my room and did the polite thing by knocking. "Come in" Her sweet voice called out and I opened the door and walked inside. Kate spun around and smiled softly when she saw me, I'm not sure what I'm planning to say but I want to know why she didn't come to find me.

"Hey" I said softly and she smiled, "Hi Wade" I shivered at the sound of her voice, it's been so long since I last saw her and I wasn't used to her voice or the mate bond being this strong. I opened my arms out wide, wanting to hold her tight.

She nodded and walked into my arms and joined my embrace. I wrapped my wrists possessively around her waist and she had her arms wrapped around my neck holding me close to her. I nuzzled my face into her neck and inhaled her intoxicating scent deeply. 

"God I missed you" I whispered as small tears rolled down the corner of my eyes, I heard her sniffle and nod. "I thought you were killed" She tells me and I stiffen, "Why did you think that?" I asked wondering where she would hear such a horrible thing.

She chuckled and whipped the tears from her eyes, "For some sick reason I believed Mathew when he told me you and Aiden were dead" She told me and I looked at her in shook, what else did this bastard do to my mate, I'm gonna kill him...

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