Chapter 22

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Instantly I was thrown back into reality and I gasped trying to get used to the sudden change in temperature. When I could finally breath probably and open my eyes managing to adjust to the light Satan was looking at me. 

"What going on?" Satan asks nodding his head in Kate's direction, where she still was choking on her own blood. "She needs a the pack infirmary now" I told him simply running over to her side and picking her up bridal style and ran out of the room.

Everyone was running quickly behind me but no one spoke a word as I laid Kate done in my back seat. "Ashley grab Aiden for me!" I asked but it wasn't an option, she nodded running into the house as I jumped into the drivers seat.

I wasn't exactly sure what was wrong with Kate, but I could only assume it was something to do with the bullet. According to the dream the bullet wasn't a through and through, meaning the bullet's still inside her causing internal bleeding. 

I started the car and pushed down hard on the pedal and the car screeched before zooming off. I'm quite glad now we choose a crappy motel so we could be closer to the pack house, it could be the difference between life or death. 

5 minutes later the pack house came into view and I skidded to a stop in the driveway, not even thinking about parking the car. I know I was now trespassing on the Alpa's territory but I didn't give a stuff.

Richard's staying here, so I'm sure he won't mind not that I'd let him stop me. I picked Kate up from my car and ran her towards the front door. I didn't have any hands left to open the door, so I just shoulder barged into the door causing it to break into splinters. 

I ignored the angry wolfs yelling at me for breaking the door down, as I rang towards the infirmary. I burst into the room and all the nurses's eyes were on me. "I need help!" I yelled out and almost immediately a stretcher was brought before me and I laid Kate down. 

"There's a bullet lodged in her lower abdomen" I tell the doctor and he nods at me wheeling Kate into the emergency department. Knowing well enough by now that I wasn't allowed to go in there, I sat down in the chairs lining the walls and placed my head in my hands.

I took a deep intake of breath trying to calm myself down, I was so worried and stressed at the same time. I'm actually confused at how like a 5 month year old injury could now suddenly start acting up.

Maybe she did something wrong and made the bullet move and cut through an artery or some flesh. Whatever it is it can't be to fatal, if she can survive being shot twice she can live through some past-traumatic state. 

Seconds later the others come down and sit beside me, but I don't pay them much attention my mind's too preoccupied. Only when Ashley handed me my son did I fully start to pay attention, I sent her a smile as I cradled my child in my arms. 

I looked down into his gorgeous eyes and creased my eye brows in confusion, his eyes wern't there normal hazel red they morning were during the day. They were bright blood red, any sign of hazel existing vanished. 

They were so bright I could guess that his looked exactly like Kate's, I heard shouting from the room that Kate was in and I was getting even more worried. Satan got up from his seat to sit in the seat next to me and he peered over my shoulder and stared down at Aiden.

"It's fascinating isn't it?" He asks me and I look at him confused, not knowing what he meant. He smiled and looked down at Aiden again, "Kate was never born with bright red eyes like Aiden's, even I never had eyes that red" He tells me patting the top of Aiden's softly, in a grandfatherly gesture. 

"Then why is Aiden any different?" I asked confused and he chuckled his face turning more serious. "I believe it has something to do with what happened to Kate before he was born, obviously when he was born he inherited some of Kate's devil genes. When Kate was shot she should have died, she cheated death" He told me looking down at his grandson again.

"I thought it wasn't possible for her to die?" I asked confused and he nodded, "If she was shot by someone who was angel or devil she could die just as easily as a human would" He told me and I nodded, "So how did she cheat death?" I asked and he frowned.

"She was shot by an angel and died for 3 minutes before 'magically' coming back to life, I believe that Aiden is the reason she's still alive" He tells me and I'm almost to confused to find a reply. "Before I knew Kate was alive I heard stories of the bat, it was heartless and cold blooded killed everyone in sight. She even killed some old school friends she was attached to without a skip in beat" He said.

"But as soon as she came across Richard, someone who's been near Aiden for 6 months she couldn't kill him. She would of murdered him if Aiden never existed, and like the first night she arrived here. It wasn't you that attracted her to the motel otherwise she would of entered the house through the front floor, but no she went straight for Aiden, Also when she was away I couldn't sense her being alive, neither could you. But once she was in a km radius of Aiden I could feel her presence once again" He continued but looked as if there was more.

"I believe Aiden is the only living part of her soul that makes her human again, the only piece that makes her love you and makes her love her friends and family" He tells me and I  nod letting all the information sink in.

"So the red in his eyes is Kate's soul coming alive?" I ask looking back into Aiden's red eyes which were now so bright, I had to look away after a while. Satan nod with a smile, "She needs him now as much as she needs you" He whispers and I hum in acknowledgement and smiled down at my son.

He was now managed to save his mother twice, before he can even walk. The first time he prevented her from being beaten and the other one keeping her soul alive within his own body. My baby boy was my hero and I know that with him near Kate she well survive her bullet recovery surgery and return to full health...

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