Chapter 3: What should we do next?

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Misaki's POV

"Misaki, can you help me with these boxes?" the familiar voice of Shin Nitta, manager of Card Capital rang up the stairs.

"I'm on my way," I yelled down the stairs. Jeez, I wonder where Shin will be without me. I sighed and jogged down my stairs to the card shop, which was conveniently located right bellow my house.

After fifteen minutes of pushing, yelling and grunts, all the boxes were finally inside the store.

"Ow... I don't think my back will ever be the same again," Shin complained.

I walked to the door and unlocked it, before turning the sign on the door so it says: Open.
Five minutes later

A blue haired boy walked into the store panting.

"Hey Aichi. Your earlier than usual today." I greeted him.

"Have you seen Kai?" Aichi asked between pants.

"Can't say I have, how about a cardfight while waiting?"

Kai's POV

"Welcome to Card Capital!"

Misaki's voice greeted me. I saw Aichi and Misaki fighting on one of the tables.

"Kai! Your back!" Aichi flung himself onto me.

"What took you so long to visit Card Capital?" Misaki asked me.

"I... Uh went to PSY shop yesterday," I answered awkwardly.

Upon hearing my answer, Aichi looked at me curiously. "Why?"

I proceeded to tell them what had happened yesterday.
Aichi POV

When I heard Kai's explanation, I was shocked. Kai was a Link Joker Vanguard? But he worked so hard to make amends after the invasion... Then again, Link Joker was corrupted by the Void...

We needed answers and I intend on getting them...

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