Chapter 7: The Seed

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Kai's POV

"Damn, I was hoping we would be able to get inside the building before this started." I noted while taking deck out. "You Reversed punks are going to get your butt kicked! You're facing the one and only Kamui the Great!" I heard Kamui yell. I sighed. Some things never change.

"Legion attack!" I said. The sixth card flew into my opponent's damage zone. "Ahhh"

"Kamui the Great attacks with Mega Flare and Dual Flare!" Behind me, Kamui finished his battle. More Reversed fighters stood between me and my opponent.
Five short fights later...

"Hey...haven't I seen you before?" I muttered under my breath. The fighter looked the same used the same clan and had the exact same deck structure as the first fighter I fought. I swiftly defeated him. This time, I made sure I kept the fighters from getting between us. The person I had just beaten suddenly got back up, and still Reversed.

"Kamui... We've got a problem here. A big one." I said without turning to him.

"What is it? You decided to join them?" He asked with a smirk. The smirk quickly faded away when I pointed the fighter that had risen again.

"Oh crap. How are we supposed to beat them when they just get back up after we defeat them?" Kamui asked shakily.

I don't get it. First, Reversed fighters start showing up all at once. Even if a Reversed fighter is particularly strong, its impossible to spread the Reverse so quickly and without people noticing. Secondly,how can the fighters just get up after being beaten? If we don't even know why our opponent is acting so weirdly, how are we even going to defeat them?
Third person POV

Out of the blue, all the Reversed fighters spoke at the same time. They were being controlled by the Void.

"To the Vanguards who are still fighting on Earth, you have no chance at beating me now. You yourself have caused this invasion by helping me spread the fragments of the Link Joker seed."

A young jade eyed teen yelled,"How are you doing this? The fragments of the seeds are so small, they shouldn't be able to Reverse the host!"

"I have gained strength from the host them self. Enough strength the subdue Link Joker. Enough strength to Reverse the host. Unfortunately, you Vanguards are an exception. Even if you have not activated you Psyqualia yet, the clans on Cray will still lend you their strength. But that will change now.

You cannot fight forever. My forces on the other hand will fight till they drop. You have three hours to surrender or suffer at the hands of the Reverse fighters. Either way, I will win."

With that, the Reverse fighters retreated, leaving silence.

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