Chapter 4: The Tatsunagi Building

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Aichi's POV

We met up at the card shop the next day, determined to get some answers. Kai, Misaki and I set off in the direction of the Tatsunagi Cooperation's Building.
Five minutes later...

"It hasn't changed at all..." I noted, slightly surprised. The tall structure still stood at the exact same spot. As I walked towards it, I saw a stone slab sticking out from the ground.

"The Tatsunagi Cooperation Building continues to stand here as way for the world to show its appreciation to Takuto Tatsunagi."

Kai was looking at the ground. Poor guy. He still thinks it's his fault that the invasion happened. He looked at the words engraved on the stone and his eyes suddenly widened in shock. I immediately turned. There, in front of the stone, was a ... spirit

Of Takuto.
Kai's POV

I stared at Takuto, unable to believe that I was seeing the person who had disappeared a year ago. How do you start a conversation with him? Go: Hey what's up in the underworld?

"Nothing much." Takuto answered.

Oh man... He did his mind reading magic again...

"So...about what you said the other day..." I asked awkwardly.

"I don't know how having a Vanguard can help, but I do know that as a Vanguard, you can use the fragment of the seed in your body to summon back the rest of the fragments." He answered.

I heard Aichi's voice beside me,"why would Kai want to bring back the parts of the seed that he worked so hard to disperse?"

"He can choose not to, and just let the Void control Link Joker..." Takuto said in a matter-of-fact tone. Fat chance, I won't abandon anyone that needed help even if its Link Joker.

I had one more question to ask. "How do I summon the seed back?" The answer that I got back startled me.

"Activate your Psyqualia."

"But Kai doesn't have Psyqualia, in fact, he doesn't even like that power." Misaki exclaimed.

I silently agreed with Misaki. I wanted nothing to do with Psyqualia. It has already caused four people to lose sight of themselves.

"Kai never found out he had that power because of his hatred of it," Takuto answered confidently.
Misaki's POV

I saw Kai focusing intently, and I desperately hoped that what Takuto said was wrong. We did not need Kai going back to his formal self. My heart sank into my boots as a swirling circle of power appeared in Kai's eyes.

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