Ch. 4 - Night of the Disbanding

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Few years in the Cadet Corps. Everyone has been working their ass off for years. Let's see how everyone has improved.



Year 850

Third Person POV

The Cadets are doing a training session in the rain. Everyone has to carry a huge back of whatever the hell is in it, but it's quite heavy.

"Run you, shitheads!" The voice of Commander Keith was quite annoying. Even Y/N gets annoyed by him. "What's wrong, Arlert?! Move your ass! Do you want to be the only one who puts down his equipment?! You would have been titan food is this was a real mission!"

"Dammit." Armin knew that he had to push himself in order to pass. This training was for a grade. Reiner grabbed Armin's bag to help him.

"Gimme this." He grabbed the backpack off from his back and carried it on his back. "You'll drop out if you don't keep up."

"But you'll get points off," Armin said.

"Better not let them find out then." He said as they kept running. Armin found his second wind and grabbed his bag and ran up to the front.

'Armin Arlert. Lacks in physical attributes, but he makes up with academic aptitude.' Next was the titan dummies. Annie, Bertholt, and Jean were the first three to slice them up. 'Annie Leonheart. While her fighting skills are outstanding, she doesn't work well as part of a team. A lone wolf. Bertolt Hoover. He is highly talented but he lacks initiative. Jean Kirstein. His 3D Control skills are top class, but his arrogance causes friction.'

The next two came in, 'Sasha Blouse. She's talented at operating unconventionally,  but that mentality makes her unfit for organized activity. Connie Springer. He's skilled making sharp turns, but his mind is nowhere near sharp enough.'

The other trainers began to show titan dummies for the next trio. Mikasa, Eren, and Y/N were all coming in at high speeds. Mikasa flew at the titan and sliced it deep into its nape. Eren followed but didn't cut deep enough. He knew that he had to go deeper. 'Mikasa Ackerman. Excels in every single subject and is top of her class. Eren Jeager. While he lacks any outstanding talents, he improved his grades through outstanding diligence.'

Y/N Ackerman came last out of the two. He goes up to the first one and slices its nape, leaving a deep cut. On the second dummy, he does a horizontal spin. 'Y/N Ackerman. Just like Mikasa, he excels in every subject. His skills in combat are arguably as good or better than Captain Levi. And, a sense of purpose that can be seen as quite terrifying.'

Le Timeskip


A wooden knife. Can I burn it? I yawned quite loudly as I stared at everyone else doing this training session. "I already how to disarm people. Man, this is so pointless." I said to Mikasa as she was my partner.

"I guess. But you never know what we will go against." She said as she grabbed the wooden knife.

"I know. I know." I said as I got into a defensive stance. "I'm ready when you are Mikasa," I said with a smirk.

"Let's start." She rushed at with the knife. She was going for a swing to the right, so I duck under and moved behind her. I moved my leg in the way so that she could trip, and my luck, she fell. I drop then and move the knife in her hand to her neck.

"Well, it seems like I won this one," I said as I picked her up. "This doesn't count towards our final grade, but seems like everyone is trying to take it seriously." I look over at Connie and Sasha doing weird poses. "If my info is correct, there are going to be 10 participants who are able to join the Military Police from what I've heard. Let's who will be at the top." I said as the Commander called us together for a meeting.

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