Ch. 5 - Battle of Trost District, Part 1

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The Colossal Titan returns after 5 years and you are face to face with him. Good luck. Also sorry for not updating this in like half a year. Sorry about that.




"It's been 5 years since you took my mother away from me. I swore to her that I'll your bitch ass and every other titan I see. So," I took a deep breath before I flew towards him. "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOUR ASS!" I ran towards the Colossal Titan, but the Titan moved hits arm across the top part of the wall. All of the canons were broken, so I jumped over his arm and flew above his head. 'He broke the canons?! Shit, then that hole in the wall and the one from 5 years ago, it was no damn accident. He has intelligence...'

The Titan looked at me with its dull eyes. He tried to crush me with his hand so I maneuvered with the help of the ODM gear and landed on its arm. 'If I can kill him right now, it will be a huge loss for the titans. Let's take him out quick!' I ran up its arm to try and get close to his face as possible. 'Looks like this titan is made up of pure muscle, so it should be way easier to get to his nape.' I flew around his arm and up to where his nape is. "AAHHHHH!!" I flew at its nape doing Levi's signature horizontal spin.

As soon as I touched its nape, the titan released what seems like gas or steam. 'Must...endure...Fuck it!' I launched towards where the Colossal Titan. However, when I swung my sword all of the steam and the Titan disappeared. "What?! There's no way it just disappeared like that!" I said as I repelled myself back up the wall. "Well that's fucking great am I right? The wall is open and it's gonna be just like 5 years ago."

"Y/N!" Eren and everyone came towards me. "Did you do any damage to it?!"

"Hell no. I was just about to kill it but then it disappeared. We need to act fast or else it's gonna be just like 5 years ago. We can't let that happen." I said. One of the members of the Garrisons came to our group.

"Operation Colossal titan Response is in effect, I expect you to take part! Report back to HQ! If you got close to the damn thing, we need details!"

"Yes sir!" Everyone started to report back to HQ except for me since I knew what the Colossal Titan looked like. After I describe what it looked like, I reported back to HQ where everyone was filling up their gas tanks and getting fresh blades for the fight.

"Y/N." I saw Mikasa running up to me. She seems worried for some reason. "Are you okay?!" She grabbed my face, pulling me closer to hers.

"I'm fine I'm fine. What are you worried about?" I asked her.

"I saw the titan you were fighting and when you over the wall, I thought something bad happened." She said, blushing slightly.

"Relax. I'm fine. I'm gonna have to leave after I refill my tanks again and get new blades. I might be put in the front lines but I'll see if I can stick with you guys in this operation." Mikasa nodded.

"Alright. Stay safe and stay alive, Y/N." She said. I smiled at her.

"You got it. I'm not dying yet." She let go of my face and I ran towards the gas tanks to fill them as much as I can. I ran towards where I can get new blades. I grabbed a few blades and made sure they were sharp. I went outside to see the Garrisons outside HQ.

"Y/N. With your skills, we will need your assistance at the front lines. This can also be a test to see if you are truly ready to be apart of Levi's squad."

"Is there any way I can stay back," I asked, hoping I can stay with Eren and them.

"Afraid not. But there will be one other one that is almost as skilled you with us. Do you have any other questions or objections?" As much I want to stick with them, I must obey orders for now.

"Who's the other?" I asked.

"Mikasa Ackerman." Mikasa? I'm glad that I'm gonna be with her but I don't know about Eren and Armin. Shit. I'm just gonna have to wait and see how this will play out. "Any other questions or objections?"

"No sir. I'm ready." I said.

"Good. Let's get Mikasa and let's move. We have a lot of work to do."

Le Timeskip

After a few minutes of flying around to get to our destination, I can't feel but be worried about Eren. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. Honestly, I am annoyed that I'm not with their group, I'd rather be with them than these guys here besides Mikasa. I'm sure she feels the same way.

"Ugh. Do we have to be with these guys? I want to kill titans man." I complained loudly with my hands behind my head.

"For god's sake shut your mouth." One of the Garrisons said.

"Make me. Just cause you're a higher rank doesn't mean shit. I bet my life I can easily kill more titans." I said to him. He seemed annoyed by my little retort.

"Shut it you too. Be ready in case of anything."

"Yeah. Whatever." I mumbled. Mikasa looked at me concerned. "What? I wanna kill. I'm bored."

"N-no that's not it." She said. "I-I'll tell you when this is over." I looked at her confused slightly.

"Alright." I put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll make sure he doesn't do anything reckless." However, I turn around to see Eren crashing into multiple rooftops and bleeding. "EREN." I flew towards and saw the rest of his squad. Two of them got eaten before I could make it. I cursed myself but there was one member still alive. (Can't remember her name.)

"Not on my watch!" I threw a blade towards the titan's eyes. The titan yelled in pain, making a perfect chance for a quick kill. I circled and slashed its neck. I immediately went towards her.

"Are you okay?!"


"It's alright. C'mon, let's get off the ground. Report back to HQ if you can't fight." I said she stood up but was struggling a little.

"I will...Thank you for saving me...Y/N..." I smiled a little and went up to where Eren was laying down. Mikasa saved Armin before he got swallowed.

"Eren! Speak to me!" Before I could react an abnormal Titan from our side. Eren got and pushed me off the roof so that it could only get me.

"EREN." Eren was now in the Titan's mouth. Eren tried to stop the titan from biting down but it didn't do anything at all. And with that, the Titan bit down, chopping Eren's arm clean and swallowing him.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" My eyes filled with rage and felt something surge inside me. I felt tremendous power flow through me. "GIVE. HIM. BACK."

Well, I finally got to update this so yay. Hope you guys enjoyed this new update for this book. Sorry if it's not the best. I kinda rushed this. Comment and vote if you would like and I'll see you guys in the next one. Peace.


Storms in the Freedom: Attack on Titan x Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin