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Vera was standing next to Kaluna in the lab, watching her and Bruce design new suits. They each tailored to their powers, Vera able to stretch to her size. Only when angered of course, Variety could shrink down to microscopic sizes. Abvus can alter with the snap of a finger or a single thought. Kaluna swiped through styles and colors, she'd groaned after thinking it was finished. Bruce kept looking over at Vera and apologizing.

"She has an image in her mind, when she can't meet it-" on cue she slammed her fist down on the table. She stormed out of the room, Vera followed Kaluna with her eyes. She turned back towards Bruce, then at the suit. She stepped forward and looked at the keys. Altering and changing aspects on all the suits, each different, but containing key elements. Bruce watched as she swiped and tweaked them, she stepped back and the suits started to materialize.

"Are those ours?" Variety said walking in, watching the dark purple suit being made in front of her eyes.

"I just made finishing touches, we should get ready to train soon" Vera said, Bruce started getting the others ready. Kaluna was already in the girls training area. Clint was helping her learn how to aim, each girl had a different weapon of choice. Whether is was an energy source, or knife, they all had a weapon. If used properly, could end lives. Kaluna's was like her father's, a blue source of energy, lightning. Vera was skillful with swords and daggers, she could throw a dagger and hit a target, blindfolded. Variety, even though she hated it, had shields she could wield and throw. After hitting Vera accidentally in the head, she stayed to using other ways to control the enemy. Abvus was good at boxing and martial arts, staying locked in a room for over 15 years, she grew a hobby.

"Just move your hips more- like that. Don't let it control you, you have power of it. Make it listen to you, ok?" He said adjusting her stance and everything. He tapped her back, she released throwing the ball towards the target. Hit dead center, but went clean through.

"Lulu I found the new-AH!" Thor watched the ball spiral towards his face, he soon was pelted to the ground by Variety. She stood, helping him get up. Vera came in soon with their suits and handed them out. Thor watched Kaluna grabbed her suit and put it up to her chest.

"Gold, what royalty wear" He said smiling as he lifted up the collar, the Avengers symbol a bright white showing on it. Variety's was a dark purple, Vera's was green, while Abvus was red. The symbol stuck out on all of them, after Thor left they all quickly got into their suits. The training begun, the older heroes helping in the fields  they could. The training went on for three hours, the room was filled with constant yells and encouragement. Variety turned around close to the end, expecting to see Kaluna, but no one was behind her. She shook it off saying that she must be in the lab, coming up with ideas for next week.

When training was over, Kaluna was still missing. Variety alarmed Vera, they began to silently look for her throughout the Compound. After checking every room they decided she had to show up again. Pepper calling them for supper, stopped the activities, they went downstairs and saw that Clint was grilling outside with Thor. The others inside getting hamburgers and hotdogs, putting endless amounts of toppings on. They all sat around the house laughing and messing around. At one point Peter got caught up in his own web, resulting in the other Peter having to cut him down.

"What do you mean sorry? You are obviously not sorry for moving one of my pieces back to home. Youre smiling!" Thor said as Scott moved the green piece back to the home.

"At least you don't play with Strange, he cheats" Vera said as she moved her monopoly piece onto Strange's property.

"That's an uncalled for lie"

"You sat there going through the possibilities and each turn! This is a board game! Not a heist situation"

"It could be, the little people could be holding people hostage in the little bank" Bucky said rolling the dice. The entire team got out board games and played them after supper. Variety was playing Life with a few other when she looked up and saw Pepper standing on the balcony. She got up, walking up to her.

"Are you okay?" Pepper turned around and laughed softly, smoothing Variety's hair down.

"It's just insane, you 3, and Abvus. You're all so amazing, Tony created you with the best thoughts in mind"

"Kaluna used to love it down here, tell us about things she wanted to show us. When we did come down, Tony gave up three days to go do whatever. As long as we called him first" Pepper laughed along with her, she moved her thumb over the other. The silence between them slightly uncomfortable, Variety looked back inside. Bucky was throwing a fit over Vera putting a hotel on her property, Thor was even more confused onto why he had to go back two spaces. Pepper looked at Variety as she scanned the team.

"Go back in, I'm waiting for someone" Variety turned to her and furrowed her brows


"She sent a distress signal, when me and Bruce tried to send a team, she said to wait for her. Bruce is well-" They watched as Bruce threw his cards down after Abvus won another game of UNO. "Being a good dad, or mentor"

"Tell me what she says" Variety walked back in and sat down at the table, Quill shook his head.

"We have been waiting to have spider babies over here, why were you taking so long!?" The Peters joined together for the game, they wanted twins and had enough money to buy them. Wanda laughed at the sass that came from Quill, Variety shook her head and spun the wheel.
"Alright Abvus, focus on the object, the imagine it melting" Quill said trying to help her, they all stopped and looked at him. "I don't know how you guys work!"

Kaluna laughed, she suddenly felt a hand gripping her should and pulling her back. She soon was sat in a chair, across is was a smug faced boy.

"Axis, I thought I told you to send a greeting card"

"and I thought I told you not to mess with Fate"

"Fate was messed with when Thanos snapped his fingers and you know that. Correcting is not wrong"

"Bringing the dead back is though"

"They weren't supposed to die, you know that"

"What damage did it do? Truly"

"Midgard went into grief, and sorrow. And you're up here on your cloud of bullshit-"she froze as he brought up an on fire sword, setting it on the table, facing her. She reached down clicking the button on her watch, sending a signal to Midgard, alerting them.

"I won't kill you, if you promise to stop messing with fate"

"Well I can't promise you that. I'm making fate right-"

"You truly went down the wrong path after leaving'

"I didn't go down the wrong path, I got out of this murderous place"

"It is not that bad"

"You changed my fate, so I was made to die, I had to pay you millions. And still had more to do, just for you to change it"

"You did pissed me off"

"I kicked over your glass of water"

"It was iced tea"

"I don't care what it was, you blew up over it. Why is it ok for you to mess with fate. But not me"

"Because-" he stood up "It's fun to watch you suffer"

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