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"Abvus....Abvus look.....ABVUS"

"Peter if I turn around and you made another web snowman I will throw you off the roof" Peter look down at the little web man he made and then sighed, pushing it off the roof.

They got paired up for night watch, ever since Axis escaped. Kaluna had been put under heavy guard. Peter was worried he'd get to her, he got her once. Abvus put a knife under her pillow, which resulted in Kaluna throwing it. Strange even put a charm on her door. Luckily, most of them could still get in through the window. The Avengers went into full parental mode when they got the notice. So being awake at 4 am with a geek was not what Abvus wanted. She wanted to be with Variety, she felt at home with her. Vera and Bucky had to be together, it was an unspoken rule.


"Yeah" he said wrapping the pencil with his web shooters


"Abvus I said yeah"

"Hey asshole I'm not talking to you" She said twirling the small dagger Rocket made her. Peter heard giggling and then realized

"Morgan, you said you wouldn't take over my mask anymore"

"But uncle Peter! Daddy always let me"

"Morgan you need to go to bed. That's an order"

"But I'm not alone-" Peter swallowed hard before sighing hearing Variety and Kaluna talking in the background.

"Oh good, you're with Variety and Lu"

"Of course! Uncie why are you outside, it's cold out"

"I have to protect you of course"

"Can't you protect us inside?"

"no not Rea-" the feed was knocked off by Abvus hitting his mask causing it to come off

"Focus 'Uncie" She smirked and went to sit back down on her stool, she wiped her nose. Peter looked at her and opened his mouth but was cut off by her throwing the dagger it brushing his face.

"I'm not crying"
Kaluna kept following Scott around trying to convince him to take her to Wendy's. She was tired of Pizza rolls and hot dogs, Rocket ate everything else by "accident".

"I can't take you out of the compound I'm sorry"

"Make me pocket sized!"

"I-I can't argue with that ok fine let's go" she laughed and followed him in his room. Janet raised her eyebrow, she watched Scott as he zoomed Kaluna down.

"Scott- what are you doing?"

"Nothing, she wanted to play in the doll house" He smiled and picked her up and walked out. He kept walking out the front door, placed Kaluna in his pocket and drove to Wendy's. Got the food and then drove back to the compound and made her big.

"You're the best, literally" She smiled and zoomed to her room

"Scott-" Steve said, causing Scott to turn around

"Cap- I, don't tell anyone. She really wanted to leave and besides it's so small-"

"I'm not mad, I just came to check in on the girls. They all seem happy"

"They are, reunited with us. With their father, uncles, cousins, aun-"

"I know Scott, I know"

"Did they tell you?"


"Are you willing?"

"More willing than ever, especially with her too"

"You'll make her beyond happy Cap"

"Anything for my daughters" He smiled and patted Scott's shoulder

Abvus stood outside of the lab, making sure no one got in. The room slowly got darker and the air thicker. Coughing she dropped to the floor reaching for the lockdown key. Before she got to it a sharp pain ran up her side, causing her too curl in. Screams and yells rang through the lab, she reached for the door. Her eyes closed and head hit the floor. She floated out of her body and watched as Peter and Kaluna were torn apart. Peter hit over the head and knocked out, Vera being chained to the table. Variety falling to the ground inside the small cube she was locked in. She went down and smacked Peter trying to wake him up.

Wake up Peter, help her. Rang through her head, her hand kept going through his head instead of connecting.  She stopped and ran over to Vera tugging at the chains, unable to grab the chains she ran over to Variety. Variety paused and looked at Abvus.

It's your fault she's gone. Try harder. She said through the glass, Abvus turned around. She saw Kaluna get zip tied, duct tape placed over her mouth. A collar was around her neck, making her powers shut down.

Strange She thought and teared up, that dumb wizard. Shut off her powers so she couldn't leave the compound. He gave them a win, fucking bastard.

Abvus woke up coughing and her head throbbing, she laid on the side of her bed. When she sat up the room was spinning, the blood trickling back down. Her fault? How was it her fault? How dare Variety say that? Why didn't Peter help her? Where was Vera? Why didn't she fight? It's wasn't her fault, it was theirs. She tried, they didn't.

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